Monday, May 4, 2015

False paradise

We white Aryans are fooling ourselves. We have for a long time. The USA is falling into decay. Life for us common folk is on the edge. We have no one who is rich and powerful willing to help us common folk out.
As just one example out of very many, look at Hillary Clinton. Even liberals are lukewarm about her. She and hubby Bill are worth 50 million dollars. She is way too chummy with Wall street. She is being heralded as a shoo in for election. Why? What are her accomplishments? I sure don't see any. She is using her husband to advance. Not on her own merits. She is VERY interventionist.  She voted to support the war in Iraq. I think her a liar. She is spoiled, as she comes from an old money family. She is all too typical of the American political scene. Rich people pretending they care, when the moment of election, the common people are ignored, and the rich ruling elite gets their way.
Lack of caring is the key. The rich and powerful could care less about those who are not rich. The rich of this country look down on the non rich as a human would look down  on an amoeba. There is that much of a gap between the classes. Our American society use to be full of opportunity. Now we're like some medieval society with a rich elite nobility, and dirt poor lower classes. The elite don't care about the commoners. There is no way to join the rich anymore, as economic opportunity is slowly being strangled in America. The US has a 17 TRILLION dollar debt. What is being done about it. Not a damn thing. The rich are just that, rich. They don't care for what the common folks want. They don't feel a need to care. Why should they, when they're constantly re-elected. This is the political equivalent of licking the boot that kicks you. Until we white Aryans make up our minds to resist the current ZOG tyranny, we are dooming ourselves and our future generations to the most debase servitude. Unless we make up our minds to stand up and say no, the rich ruling elite will go on business as usual. Our rulers will continue to make war, to the detriment of our nation. Constant war. After all, THEY don't have to go and fight. That's what the non rich, especially the poor, are for.Non of our political candidates are common folk. They're all rich. They haven't the slightest sympathy with the common folk. Hence nothing is done about anything. Look at illegal immigration. It continues unabated. Our leaders don't care. They see illegals as a cheap (slave) source of labor. The better to make profits out of. Ours is suppose to be a society of the people. Now its rule by the rich. The cold, unfeeling rich. people who do nothing for themselves, but are instead surrounded by servants to do their bidding. They haven't a clue on what its like to do a real days work. Especially hard physical labor. They have it easy, so why should they care. So they don't. Look at how our rich ruling elite outsources jobs, without a care in the world. Its not their jobs that are lost. Its not their houses foreclosed on, because the occupants lost their jobs. The rich only care about profit, and they don't care who gets hurt in the process.
Our society is falling apart. The media try to cover up. Look at the crime situation. The US has 5% of the world's population. Yet, we have 25% of the world's prison population. A staggering 3 million people behind bars. That's the size of an army. These are criminals we taxpayers are paying to take care of. On average, it costs $30,000 per head to care for a prisoner. This comes to a massive sum. What are our leaders doing about it? Not a damn thing. The rich and powerful hide behind tall mansion walls, with guarded grounds. They feel secure. Us non rich are left to take our chances on the streets. Our rulers don't give a rat's ass if we common folk live or die. Our justice system is a mess. Like half horse, half cow. On one hand there are those for kick ass justice. On the other, there are those who want kiss ass justice. Cops as social workers. Where is the leadership. Sitting with their heads up their asses. Make a damn decision. We can't afford to have cops playing guessing games. They need to know what to do. Our leaders sit back and let problems take care of themselves. What the hell are they in office for then. Do your job. Public office should not be, and must not be some ego prize. Its supposed to be public service.
I am so very tired of this whole crap system. The rich rule, while the non rich suffer. We have candidates who haven't anything in common whatsoever, with those they govern. We need a system based on the people, and that rules thru the people. A system that values its people. National Socialism values race. People. People have a value. This is what we need. We need to get rid of ZOG, and its Judeo-Capitalist system that only values wealth and power. We need a system that has our back. Looks out for our skins. Doesn't make us war, or leave us to rot in poverty. Unless WE decide to change our system, we are dooming ourselves to endless misery.

1 comment:

  1. Comrade, I work in the criminal justice system and you're right! It's a complete Judeo-Capitalist scam. Virginia, puts "poor" people in prison over a stupid, drunk driving charge... all the while, an abusive, wife-beating "piece-of-shit" with a LAWYER kidnaps the kids at gunpoint and walks...

    You're right! We have NO VALUES as a Nation that believes in National Socialism - or putting family first... It's all about, being the biggest Judeo-Capitalist pig.

    AJ 88!
