Our rulers keep trying to convince us that globalization is good for us. That it has brought about universal prosperity. LIES. Globalization has been terrible for us, and the world. Consider. Globalization has brought about massive job loss in the USA. Our jobs have been outsourced elsewhere. China, Korea, Mexico, etc. This hasn't helped the common worker. Just the rich ruling elite factory owners. Overseas workers get paid slave wages. They are in effect, indirect union busters. Our rich set up factories in low wage countries. They close the factories here in the USA. Our workers go jobless, while overseas gets worked like the slaves they are. Our wages end up stagnant. They barely are able to survive. Only the rich make profits out of this situation. The US fought a war to keep South Korea "free". Free to steal our jobs. Would it really matter if Korea went Communist? Instead we fight a war and keep the South Capitalist. Which then takes our jobs, wages. The reward for our service personnel fighting and dying, is the massive loss of US jobs, and the impoverishment of US workers. What a waste of blood and treasure, all for nothing. Well not nothing, the enrichment of the already rich. I feel this is the real reason the US fought in Korea. Capitalist profit, NOT freedom for South Korea.
Globalization means trade, but is trade really good for us. Look at how Japan, and now China dump their goods on us. Where the hell is the fairness. Our leaders should put their foot down. They don't. Just a lot of noise. They are in cahoots with the overseas elites, and secretly support such dirty trade practices. Anything to make a buck.
Globalization is suppose to make things affordable. It doesn't. The Euro has made things more expensive in Europe. This is not my conjecture, but out of the mouths of Europeans I have met and talked to. Things become high priced, and unaffordable. Especially when jobs get outsourced overseas.
Has NAFTA really helped? As an example, the car makers have plants in China and Mexico. US auto plants are closed. Cheap goods made in near slave conditions, flood our markets, elbowing out US made goods. People in the third world make slave wages. Our workers can't, and won't work like slave for peanuts. Our unions are being destroyed by unfair competition, and the outsourcing of jobs. Without unions, our workers are at the mercy, or more likely lack of, employers. US employers don't want to pay. Our rich ruling elite is extremely greedy. They want every single penny they can squeeze out of workers. So the US gets flooded by overseas goods, and our workers end up jobless, hopeless, helpless.
Don't be fooled by Wal-Mart and McDonalds etc. upping their pay. They've been embarrassed by the revelation that their workers have to apply for food stamps. US companies are full of tricks. They raise pay, then lay off workers. Dumping massive work increases on workers who are left. One worker ends up doing 6 different jobs. Basically what workers that are left, get literally worked to death. Under massive stress.
Notice how at first, all the medium size companies disappeared from the US landscape. Then the big companies, like the auto makers. This is no accident. Our rich ruling elite is after profits, and will go anywhere to acquire them. Even at the cost of their own people. Their greed is that bad.
Besides NAFTA, proposed by the great liberal Bill Clinton no less, our rulers want trade pacts with the EU, Asia, and South America. They say its to help promote peace, and help our economy. Bullshit. Its to help the rich ruling elite line their own pockets, at the expense of the average American worker.
Help stop the rape of the American work force. We workers deserve our dignity and a decent life. Not crap. The ANP is the only shield American labor has left. The unions are shriveled and dying. The major parties are un by rich people who don't give a crap about us.We workers are being squeezed out by cheap labor, at home, by illegal aliens, and abroad. Only National Socialism can bring true prosperity to the Aryans. Prosperity based on respect for labor, not its exploitation. Support the ANP. It wants to keep jobs here, not ship them overseas. It wants to concentrate on keeping the US workers employed, not jobless, as Capitalism does. Donate your money, and time. Help. The labor situation in America is terrible. The ZOG controlled media sings our economic praises, but its lies. Our workers are in trouble. ANP is our only hope of salvation. It strives to save the race, not let it be destroyed. Our Judeo-Capitalist rulers basically hold us in utter contempt. Unite behind ANP, and lets show them we demand dignity and help. DEMAND. Enough talk. Action. Laws to protect us. Not give away the store, or especially, the country.
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