White Aryans in he USA, are living in a fool's paradise. Willfully ignoring the signs of a coming peril. The coming day, when white Aryans will no longer be the racial majority of the USA. A very bleak prospect. Fraught with danger for whites.
By the year 2050, the USA will be a nation with a 54% non white population. I personally think it will happen in the next 10 years. Between the years 2000 to 2013, 78 counties in 19 states have become non white majority, white minority status. 19 out of 25 of the most populated states. It is now 266 out of 2,440 counties of the USA are minority white. The white population of the US has shrunk from 80% to the current 63%.
What these statistics show, is that the white man is fast becoming a minority in his own land. Whites will in the very near future be outnumbered, by non whites. This doesn't seem to frighten whites. It should. As Rhodesia and South Africa show, white minorities don't fare any too well, when facing non white majorities. The 2 biggest non white groups in the US, blacks and Hispanics, do not like whites. More like hate them. We white Aryans can expect no mercy from a non white majority who hates us out of jealousy over white wealth and power, and for slights real and imagined in the past.
If you doubt these statistics, look them up. The US census bureau keeps population stats.
Frankly, its only common sense that something is fundamentally changing on the racial front in the USA. Just go to your local supermarket, and take a good look around. Notice all the non white faces around. There is a very good reason for this. The US is becoming a non white country. We have blacks, Hispanics, and now Asians moving in. The fastest growing is the Hispanic. Thanks to immigration from Latin America, soon whites will be swimming in a brown Hispanic sea.
White liberals turn a blind eye to the coming danger. They insist in living in la la land. The "lets all love each other and sing Kumbyya" mentality. What nonsense. What total idiocy. Liberals are basically well off financially, and think they can be liberal, but keep non whites at bay. Nothing could be more wrong. If your white, you can NOT escape non white wrath. Once they're firmly in the saddle, non whites will take their revenge, and make life for whites pure hell. Non whites INSIST on blaming whites for ALL their ills. Everything and anything is the white man's fault. You can NOT talk them out of this mind set.
Our rich ruling elite, don't see the world in racial terms, and are oblivious to the coming racial threat. They see things solely in terms of profit. They look at the non white, especially Hispanic, invasion as a source of profit, because it allows them to pay cheap wages. Slave wages. They use the Hispanics as scab labor. Get rid of white workers, and use cheap illegal Hispanic labor instead. This is madness, but the greedy are usually blind to all things but their greed.
The one and only "defense" we have at our disposal is the ANP. It is the ONLY party that cares about the white Aryan race in the USA. The only one. The 2 major parties are Judeo-Capitalist to the core, and are merely 2 factions of the rich elite fighting for wealth and power in the USA, and the world. Our so called leaders could care less about their people. They care only for their own selves. The ANP is determined to fight for white rights. Keep non whites from bulldozing whites into the ground. The ANP, with enough support, can act as a shield, and bulwark, against the non white tide. For example, the ANP opposes outsourcing jobs overseas, as it affects whites in that there are few decent pay jobs available in the country. Our rich elite is perfectly willing to sacrifice its own people on the altar of profit. The ANP is determined to help its people. Restrict immigration, have a true NATIONAL health system, support people getting an education, especially college level. It wants to take care of the white race, not sit idly by and watch it destroyed by non white hoards.
We white Aryans must support the ANP with money, and volunteer our time to distribute lit to wake up our brain dead fellow whites, before it is too late. The ANP can't solve all our racial problems, but it can at least help and shelter the white race in an increasingly hostile environment.
The coming non white tide, is no joke. Whites stand to lose everything as non whites use the law, and power to strip whites of everything. Look at the current civil rights laws, and how they favor non whites in jobs, especially federal govt ones. We have these laws now, when whites are still the majority. What will things be like with a non white majority. If you still believe in the goodness of non white, then good luck to you. If you feel worried, you'd better support the ANP and have a protector. Believe me, we're going to need one real bad.
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