Tsarist Russia fell due to World War One. Fact is, it was decaying massively for years. The Russian empire was locked into constant wars. Before World War One, there was the wholly unnecessary Russo-Japanese war, which Russia lost. Far worse, was the class chasm that existed. The classes weren't merely divided, they were separated by a huge chasm. Hence, Russian soldiers felt in World War One that they weren't fighting for their country, but for the upper classes/nobility, who thought of the lower classes as little more then animals. Imperial Russia was a land of immense social inequality. It was a feudal society, with modern trappings. Is it any wonder it fell. Its ruling class didn't care one iota about the common folk. Logic. You can't care about a group that doesn't give a rat's ass about you. Hence defeat and revolution.
Why am I talking about Tsarist Russia. Simple. I feel the United States is following their example. We are making the exact same mistakes that Tsarist Russia did. We have the same type problems. Yes, we have a president rather then a Tsar, but the other similarities are striking. First, like Tsarist Russia, the US is fighting constant wars. Even more so. Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq. With drone strikes in Somalia, Yemen and Libya. The US has some amount of soldiers posted in 130 countries on planet earth. The US is locked into constant combat. Either outright war, or special commando type strikes, or drone strikes. The bottom line is that there is no peace, just war. This cannot be good for our society. Every nation state in history that was constantly at war, ended up failing and falling into defeat and chaos. Contrary to what our rich ruling elite says, we are no different.
The US class division has become a chasm. We now have the 1% very rich, and the working class, and poor. The once vaunted American middle class, is shrinking. Weakened by outsourcing, union busting, and anti union legislation. A small middle class means that the rich get more political power, while the non rich get much less. This situation is as old as human civilization. You cannot avoid it, at least in a Judeo-Capitalist society.
The rich ruling elite hold the non rich in total contempt. It wants to do nothing for those beneath it. Our rich look down on the non rich as just worms who crawl the earth. They want to do nothing for us, even though they are fabulously wealthy. The rich ruling elite in this country, 1% or the population, controls 90% or this nations wealth. That is a staggering amount. They have no intention of sharing. To the rich elite mentality, if you're not rich like them, you must be lazy, and unmotivated. Like in Tsarist Russia, with the ruling class's contempt, would YOU fight hard for them, and risk your own death. Or, would you hate them, and refuse to fight or desert. Why serve, and risk life, for people who hate you, and refuse to do anything to help you. The rich ruling elite of the US, wants to ELIMINATE programs like Welfare, Social Security, college student loans, Medicare, Medicaid. In other words, no help to the lesser classes. All our rich elite want to do is feed the military industrial complex. Lots of money, as in profit, to be made there. Money over blood is our rich ruling elite's mindset.
If you find the above shocking, you should. It is terrible. It is a prescription for disaster. No nation in history has been able to survive, when the rulers, and the ruled are far apart as our society is getting. Study the Tsarist empire of around the year 1900. Read for yourself, how things were. Notice the similarities. We're getting uncomfortably close to being them. We must stop this transformation, if we common folk are to survive, and live decent lives. YOU must support the ANP. It is our only hope for salvation. Our white Aryan race is in great jeopardy. Unless and until we unite and support OUR racial party, we will continue to mutate into a heartless, rich controlled hell hole. Donate to ANP. Every dollar helps to fend off racial catastrophe. Give time to give out lit. The word must be spread, and with the media controlled by the enemy, printed materials are our only way. If we continue on our present course, it will spell disaster for our race. Our rulers worship money, and care not for us. Time for a political/economic system that will help the common white Aryan worker. No more outsourcing, union busting, getting the back of the hand from our govt. Enough licking the boot that kicks you. We need a govt of the people, common Aryan people, that will help and protect us. We sure don't have that at present.
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