This country is slowly rotting away. It betrays its people every blessed minute. As of this writing, 1 out of every 5 millennials is in poverty. This is both a disgrace, and the death knell of our society. Milennials are people born around the year 2000. Known as generation Y. Imagine it. Out of 300 million people, one out of every five millennials is in poverty. This is a terrible betrayal of our future. Our upcoming generations are doomed to be poor. Is THIS what our country now stands for? Is this how a nation ought to be?
What are our leaders doing about it. Not a damn thing. Our asshole politicians are far too busy running for office to be bothered about the fate of the next generation. Our elections in this country, are little more then ego contests for the rich to parade around, and tell us common folk, just how great they are. How much more are we white Aryans going to take? I honestly don't know. I'm totally disgusted. To let your future generations be doomed to poverty, and not even try to ameliorate their fate, is truly criminal. Our leaders are suppose to lead, not sit on their asses, and parade for the news cameras. The rich ruling elite of this country don't give a tinkers dam about it. Otherwise they'd try and do something about it, rather then stand idly by as our future is lost. What the hell kind of country lets its people descend into poverty, without any attempt to thwart it. A hellish one. Satanism might as well be our state religion, because our leaders are corrupt fools. Ready and able to do anything to enhance their wealth and power. Leaders who care only about themselves and not their people are inherently evil. They have no business whatsoever in govt.
It takes true callousness to stand aside, and let a whole generation just disappear into the mire of poverty. A generation's hopes and ambitions are slowly dying, while our leaders play soldier, and protect their Judeo-Capitalist masters fortunes. Our armed forces are engaged in constant combat. We the common people want peace. Need peace. Yet we get constant war. Wars we have no business fighting. Islam shouldn't be our enemy, and if we'd only stop being a flunky of Israel, we wouldn't be. No, Jewish lobby money greases the wheels, and keeps us in combat. Look at how jobs are outsourced overseas. Our govt does nothing. Our govt, ZOG, takes that view that "free" trade is sacrosanct. Free trade my ass. The factories overseas pay slave wages. There is no competition, as they can undercut us totally. The workers are abused, while the greedy owners, make tons of money. Here in the USA, our precious decent pay jobs get outsourced, while we're stuck here with minimum wage, no benefit jobs. Our leaders gladly let illegals in, since they too are a cheap source of labor. Is it any wonder that our millennials are sinking into poverty. Facing a bleak no hope future. Is this proper governance, or more like the rule of some criminal gang. If we don't unite, and start demanding, not asking, demanding reform, we can kiss generation Y and all others after it goodbye. We'll end up a nation of poor, and unemployed/underemployed. Our leaders talk a good game, but that is what it is, talk. They don't care. The only group that does care, is the ANP. It cares. Deeply. It values the race, every member of it. It won't let generations of white Aryans sink into poverty. It believes in white rights, worker rights, individual rights. it is our one and only hope to save ourselves form becoming poor, and helpless. If we don't support them to push for our rights, we'll continue to lose everything. This system is corrupt and degenerate. This state of affairs will continue unless a stand is taken. Support the ANP, so it can save our future generations. Our people deserve far more then to be mere cannon fodder for ZOG's wars. Are you willing to die to preserve a system that allows one in five of a future generation to be condemned to grinding poverty? We need a change in this country. Generation Y is slipping, the generations after that will be even worse off. We've got to make up our minds to stop our greedy govt from doing us even more harm. Support the ANP. Its our only hope. Our kids need and deserve decent futures. It shouldn't come down to a choice of living in poverty, or fighting in ZOG's army. There should be, and must be another way, more choices. Not less. Help us save the future. Right now its 1 in 5. It will soon change for the worse, for all future generations. Support. Resist. The future needs your help. Help. Much is at stake. Your own kids future.
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