When people think of the problems of Judeo-Capitalism, they think of the terrible economic inequality that goes with it. This is bad enough, but there are greater, hidden costs. Judeo-Capitalism robs us of our very humanity. Non money based, human traits, and virtues, disappear.
First off, expect no compassion in a society devoted to greed. Generosity is all but unknown. The compassionate have a giving heart. Obviously, in a society devoted, and dominated by greed, and selfishness, such a trait will not be found. Look at our govt/society today. Govt is dominated by the rich. People with everything. They do not want to share anything at all. Govt wants to ELIMINATE any and all social programs. The poor at to be left to their own devices to survive. This is Judeo-Capitalism, self. The hell with others. We are controlled by a rich ruling elite. It doesn't give a fig if YOU survive. You are a mere cog in the machinery, and easily replaced. In fact, our govt/society is all too eager to get rid of you, white Aryan. That's why jobs are outsourced overseas. Low wages for workers, means high profits for owners. That's why our govt does nothing about illegal immigration. The more low paid illegals, the higher the profit margin, and the richer the rich get. There is no room in Judeo-Capitalism for poor people, except as virtual slave labor. Workers are to be discarded like garbage, when no longer useful. If you are of no use, you are discarded, and left to die. There is absolutely no room in Judeo-Capitalism for those who can't pull their own weight. You're looked upon as a burden to be discarded, rather then as a human being deserving of help.
Since Judeo-Capitalism is based on constant striving for wealth, humor is a casualty. Notice how our leaders seem basically humorless. That's because they are. Constant striving leaves no room, for anything but the drive to get ahead. Our military, and law enforcement have no sense of humor. They seem more machine then human. Again, that's because they are. Machines with one programmed purpose, to enforce by any and all means ZOG's will. These pseudo-humans are machine like, and programmed. There is no room for humor or anything else human. Look at our leadership. Total seriousness. Nothing is the least bit funny to them. That's because the drive for wealth and power leaves NO room for any other emotion or state of mind. Its succeed at all costs. Obviously, such a state of mind/attitude leaves no room for any levity. Striving to become rich, and stay rich leaves no room for anything but nose to the grindstone. Notice how your boss lives for the job, nothing else. This is Judeo-Capitalism. Live to work, live for work. There is no room for any other life but work. Family is unknown. Its just work, work, work. Such an environment/mindset will not allow happy well adjusted underachievers.
Judeo-Capitalism is totally anti family/companionship. Notice how everyone is choosing career over family these days. Striving for wealth and power, leaves no room for anything. This includes family. One of the most basic human drives, ceases to exist in Judeo-Capitalism. I suppose its best to not have a family, if you aren't going to pay any attention to it. Still, its a basic human drive. A drive impossible to maintain in a society dedicated to selfishness, to the exclusion of all else. Normal human relationships are well nigh impossible in a non human oriented society. Look at our 50% divorce rate. Look at how many people are forgoing having children, or even marriage. Look at how many single people there are in our society. Half the US is single. Even in old age, when the normal human drive is for companionship to face the end of life. Notice how many single people there are now who are elderly. This is not normal human behavior. Man the social animal, is now man the single, self centered creature. people are facing old age alone. People in our society are alone. Materialism, which is Judeo-Capitalism's child, kills all non self drives/behaviors' Its really very sad, but quite predictable. Self cancels out any human drive for family.
Instead of something for nothing, Judeo-Capitalism, insists on something for something. As mentioned above, generosity is unknown and unwanted in Capitalism. Look at TV commercials as an example. Answer the ad, and they'll give you "something". Usually some piece of crap, but its something. Another, better example, is our own ANP. People don't donate. Donation implies giving freely without expecting anything in return. How many people I know personally, who will buy any and all Nazi stuff/crap, but don't bother to donate. They want something for their money. The ANP, people want to get something out of it. I bet if we offered some free trinket, we'd get many more donations. National Socialism expects people to act unselfishly. To do things without regard to reward, because its the right thing to do. At present, this is very much a minority attitude. Capitalism is selfishness. People only do things for what they get out of it. This is hardly conducive to acts of sacrifice. Think about it. Hard. Is it really a mystery as to why our society is so very unequal. People only act in their own interests. This leaves no room, and no incentive, to help others.
I have said these things before, but it stands repeating. Judeo-Capitalism takes our very "soul", if you will. It saps us of our humanity. Self becomes all. This leaves no room for non self acts of kindness etc. If our leadership comes off as self centered, that's because it is. We need a NEW system, not just new leaders. A new mindset. New set of beliefs. Different beliefs would result in different behavior. Care for race, would trump care for self. Haven't we paid enough for having a Judeo-Capitalist system. It robs us of our very humanity day in, day out. Let us choose to be human once again. Discard Judeo-Capitalism, for natural, human based National Socialism.
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