The USA is in big trouble. Our media is constantly pushing how great the US is. Truth is, it has massive problems. It breaks my back, at how ZOG is constantly nagging other countries/societies on how to live, when here is a mess.
Our Congress, the peoples representatives, are in reality a bunch of selfish politicians. They care about nothing but their own power and position. Congress is a millionaires club. They have nothing in common with the common people. If they truly cared, they'd make a sincere effort to reduce our horrendous debt. 17 trillion and counting. They're rich, and comfortable, so they do nothing. We're now the planets greatest debtor nation. Our future generations now owe a ton of debts, that will need to be repaid. At very great cost to our society/nation. Our defense establishment is stretched very thin. Yet instead of peace, our leaders give us constant war. A war against Islam, that need not be fought. All we need do for peace, is stop supporting Israel like its slave. We're so dominated by the Jews at home, and abroad, that how can any nation see us as anything but a Jewish flunky.
We have nothing but do nothing presidents. Our leaders don't lead. They make speeches, but upon election they sit back and do nothing. They just make meaningless gestures for the publicity. Nothing really concrete. So much could be done, but isn't, because there is no political will to do so. Too much trouble.
Education in this country is failing. First off, its becoming reserved for rich people. Its becoming impossible for people to afford college anymore. The loss of tax revenue, due to loss of decent pay jobs, has crippled education. Hobbling education is a fools errand. You guarantee disaster for your nation if you do. People who are blocked from moving up are bound to find illegal ways to do so, at society's great cost.
There are immense racial, and economic divides in the USA. This is not a united country by any stretch of the imagination. The rich rule. The common people have been shut out politically. Jobs that can feed families, are outsourced to China and elsewhere. All that's left are minimum wage, no benefit jobs. Jobs that guarantee wage stagnation, and social immobility. Jobs that don't allow a family to do anything but bare survival. Soon, not even that. Racial integration has succeeded in dumbing down whites. Everything has to be at the lowest common denominator. Black English is now taught as school curriculum. Pandering to the low, guarantees nobody will reach for the high. When will the liberals stop worrying about poor little darky. Never. They don't care about their race.
Notice, how there is no average American in politics. Congress is all rich people. The president is worth 3 million. Joe working man, is locked out of politics, because he can't afford to be in it. This guarantees rule by the rich. Plutocracy. Not a good thing for the non rich. Even job holders are rich in US govt. Kerry, Secretary of State, is wealthy. What happened to the common man being able to take part in govt. He/she got priced out of that to. Add in racial quotas, where jobs are basically reserved for non whites, by law, and white Aryans are powerless in their own country. Once white Aryans are a minority, they'll really feel the squeeze. Govt will be oppressive, as will society be as a whole.
We're facing the prospect of oligarchy in this country. Rule by a group. In this case, the rich. Even more, we're facing the distinct possibility of dynastic politics. Rule by a handful of politically prominent families. When govt becomes a strictly family affair, look out. Things are guaranteed to be dismal for the politically on the outs common folk.
The cancer of Judeo-Capitalist control thru ZOG is politically and economically killing us. White Aryans face a dismal future is a closed off rich run society. Only a different political system will save us. National Socialism has a different emphasis. Race, not money. This will make a big difference, as the goals of our society will be different then present. People, the race, will MATTER. A lot. They will be the be all/end all of our govt policy. No imperialist wars. No nag foreign policy. Opportunities
for our people to be able to advance themselves. The return of the common person back to politics. We must support the ANP, as it works to bring fundamental change back to US politics. As in sports, so politics. To have any chance of doing it right, you need to know the fundamentals. Our current system keeps dropping the ball. Time to change the team. NS is national/societal teamwork in its most simple form. Working together, on a truly even playing field. A privileged elite ruling never results in a happy land. Let's help OUR team, the ANP, and score for the good of our race.
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