The USA middle class is shrinking. Yes, that's right. The very backbone of the USA is shrinking, if not out right dying off. Too much pressure is crushing it to death. Instead of the old Horatio Alger, work your way up to success, and fortune, we now have economic stagnation.
Now we common people in America are facing economic stagnation. Now we have dynastic wealth. Wealth is more and more impossible to earn. To be wealthy, you must be BORN wealthy. The USA is fast becoming a total plutocracy. (Rule by the rich) Our votes in elections mean nothing, as the rich buy loyalty. The behind the scenes puppet masters. Things get done because people are secretly bribed to do them. Public service, is now just a cruel joke.
Some facts. In the USA, the average median income has DROPPED by 4%. The "average" college tuition is now at least $26,000. The USA now ranks 19th in retirement benefits/savings. Housing is only at 67.6%
The system isn't collapsing, but things are getting harder each and every day for the common folk. Why is the middle class declining? Very simple. We live in a PREDATORY economic system. Judeo-Capitalism believes in economic "kill or be killed". Capitalism takes no prisoners. Its get the other guy before he gets you. Hence, the rich ruling elite of this country have outsourced decent pay jobs overseas. Leaving minimum wage, no benefit jobs here at home. The economic misery this results in doesn't faze our rulers one bit. When all you love, is money, nothing else matters. Nothing. Certainly not the middle class or especially the poor. The rich only care about their fellow rich. Because white Aryans are a feisty bunch, the rich ruling elite are letting illegal Hispanic immigrants pour thru the border. They say they oppose it, but in reality they are overjoyed about it. They want a cheap scab work force to pay slave wages to. Illegal immigration fits the bill. A slave work force that can replace troublesome Aryans, with pliant Hispanics. For good measure, we have civil rights laws guaranteeing blacks employment by law. They must be hired. They cannot in reality be fired, lest that be racism. Our federal govt is especially black workforce. Blacks aren't fools. They've taken the ball and run with it. When your given a job for life, wouldn't you.
As jobs become ever scarcer, our govt insists on cutting back any and all social programs. Its philosophy is that people should care for themselves without govt intervention of any kind, no matter how great their need. Add to this, the fact that ZOG insists on battling Islam worldwide, at great cost to the economy, is it any wonder the money for the people's welfare is drying up. Without govt aid, expenses become a MAJOR burden for people. Big buck expenses like health, and college. These swallow up funds, and prevent the ability to save. Wages are stagnating. Prices rise, but wages aren't. People are falling behind, if not out of the middle class entirely. In a society that glorifies greed, can we really be surprised that employers don't pay to pay living wages, much less decent ones.
How about YOU. Are you at all worried about your economic standing/well being? You should be you know. There is no safety net in this society. No guarantees. Middle class today, poor tomorrow. Its happened, and will happen in Capitalism.
National Socialism can, and will, guarantee you a decent existence. You as an Aryan deserve dignity. Deserve to live as a human being, not like an animal. NS will take care of you. Be there when you need help, not castigate you if you fall on hard times. NS won't outsource jobs. It will guarantee a living wage. It will take care of medical and education needs. The race is all important, so that is where the money will go. There will be no insane crusades against Islam for the sake of Israel and the Jews. Peace, not war. Especially meaningless preventable wars.
The ANP is the racial protector. It is also wants to be guardian of your economic well being. You won't be allowed to be poor. No Aryan will have to live in poverty and filth. Support ANP with money and your time giving out lit. Your help to the party will be helping yourself, and your family. Don't let the fat cats make a slave of you. A beggar. You are Aryan. You deserve dignity and respect. ANP will give it to you. The major parties are content to see you stripped of it.
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