After a sleep of 60 or so years, Europe is trying to re-discover itself. The catalyst for this, is Europe being overrun with Muslims. As of 2014, there are approx. 13 million Muslims in The EU. Left unchecked, by 2030 the Muslim population of Europe will be 8%. These are VERY conservative figures. No doubt they will be very much higher. Islam is a religion. There are European Muslims, mostly in Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo. In other words there are white Muslims. Its the non white ones that are the big worry. The Europeans are just starting to see the danger. That they will be overwhelmed in their own countries. They are starting to organize POLITICALLY, to deal with the threat. They are finally just starting to move away from their bland and meaningless democracies. They are just now starting to see, that their Judeo-Capitalist democracies will do nothing to save them. More likely do everything to screw them. For example, Merkel's Germany is working on 10 different memorials, to 10 different groups supposedly harmed by Nazi Germany. Germany has gone from warrior nation to a collection of kiss asses. Germans see this, and realize, such a govt will hardly be able to keep foreign hoards away, and that they will be undone. Its logic. Why stay loyal, to a system quite content to let you be destroyed. The Europeans still need to go some distance, before they truly take on the true enemy, the Jews, but the seeds of resistance are being planted as of this writing. Hopefully Europe will again find its identity, and backbone. There is hope. The sight of white pride signs at European rallies is a good omen. Unfortunately, European civilization is old, and very tired. Two world wars will do that to you. Europe can only do so much. It can still be diverted by ZOG into messes like the Ukraine nonsense, and wrong wars like against the Islamists.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the USA is floundering. Leadership here is truly atrocious. Obama is a total idiot, and totally empty suit. Under his so called "leadership", our country flounders. Battling enemies who shouldn't be enemies except for ZOG manipulation. Our govt sits on its hands, as more and more non whites enter our country. Threatening to engulf us in a brown tide. Liberal whites are unconcerned as they think all will be well under a non white govt. FOOLS! Things will be very bad for whites. Non whites do NOT love whites in any way/shape/form. They HATE us. They will do anything, and everything to despoil us. Look at Rhodesia, and South Africa. White minorities are harassed, and stripped of all their wealth. Black govt could care less. They instead encourage it. So shall it be here in the USA. Besides, this is the superpower, where the world's greatest collection of wealth and power still resides. Not for long, but for now. Look at the candidates who have so far declared for running for president. Rich Clinton, worth 50 million dollars at least, is "championing" the worker. What a sick joke. Two candidates are Hispanics, a foretaste of what is to come. Our black president has been such a failure, what can possibly be good about a Hispanic president.
We white Aryans of the USA, must unite. WE need to concentrate on the threat at hand. NOT Islam, but the brown waves coming upon our shores, guaranteeing to turn us into yet another Latin American country, with all that that entails. We can see it now. The terrible economic inequality that is growing by leaps and bounds, day by day. Latin America has historically been a land of rich few ruling poor many. Will a majority Hispanic USA be any different. I sincerely doubt it. Either we get down to it, and support the ANP with our donations, and time for lit distribution, or we need to start learning Spanish, our soon to be new national language. The ANP is the ONLY political party out there for white people. The two major parties don't give a crap what happens to US, as long as THEY get wealth and power. Europe has true national health insurance. They pay 25-50% in taxes, but they get govt help. We pay less taxes, but get far less from our govt. What little money our govt has from not warring against Islam, it pisses away to help the big health insurance companies make profits, at the captive audience little guy's expense. Our govt feels its just an adjunct to business to help it make profits.
Enough with the crap. WE need governance, not garbage. A party dedicated to white interests, not Capitalist greed and skullduggery. Support the ANP. A political party of the people is possible. Europe is doing it. Now its our turn. The battle must be won here. This is the key battleground for white survival. If we fail, we might as well unite with Mexico and be ruled from there directly, because we'll soon be ruled Hispanic style here in what was once a white homeland. Unless things change, and soon, we'll all need sombreros and serapes in the very near future.
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