We forget far too easily those who have died for their race. Think about it. All those living, breathing men, who died in wars for the sake of their race. The ultimate sacrifice. Yet, these days, the ANP struggles just to get supporters to pay their $10 a month on time. Quite a change.
The soldiers of the Confederate States of America, fought, and died for a white man's nation. Whites were in charge, and men fought, and died to keep it that way. I truly marvel, that there was such belief in the cause of the white race, that men gladly made the supreme sacrifice. Unfortunately, the Confederacy was defeated, and starting with the nineteen sixties, things have gone to racial hell in the USA. Now we even have a black president, who is an idiot, and moral coward. So much for the great civil rights crusade. How the heroes who died for the Confederacy must be turning over in their graves. Their sacrifice gone for naught.
So to the fate of National Socialist Germany. They also gave full measure. The soldiers of Nazi Germany fought in hellish conditions. Endured the particular hell of Stalingrad. Suffered unspeakably on the Eastern front, enduring bitter cold and hunger, to keep Germany free from Judeo-Capitalist control, as well as that of Communism. They fought long and hard. Unfortunately, their sacrifice to, has gone for naught. National Socialist Germany lost its war. In doing so, it lost its independence, its identity, and its soul. Now Germany is a slave to the Jews, jumping at their commands. Germany has gone from warrior nation, to the worlds greatest collection of kiss asses. What a terrible tragedy. The Jews have no mercy. Anything the least bit Aryan has been trampled into the dust. For example, Hitler's bunker is now under a parking lot, with nothing about him anywhere at all.
Europe is getting slightly better about racial identity. but here in the USA, its a toilet bowl of race mixing, and non whites ruling over white Aryans. Here in the USA, we have given non whites pride of place. We whites have placed non whites above ourselves, so much so, that we have actually enshrined it into law. Our civil rights laws have established racial quotas, that make it mandatory for jobs to go to non whites, and make it virtually impossible to fire a non white, no matter how bad the job performance. Who really is the discriminated against race in the USA?
Fellow Aryans. Think. Think hard about the sacrifices that have been made in the past for the cause of the white Aryan race. Struggles where the cost of defeat, was higher, then the cost of war. We white Aryans in the USA, still have some chance to save ourselves. In the cases above, defeat forced the above to accept the rule, and rules of the conquerors. What about here. What is our excuse. White Aryans in the USA, have let non whites run roughshod over them. We have surrendered without a fight. We kiss the feet of creatures who are NOT our equals, much less our superiors. How can we let this have happened?
White Aryans. Resist. Resist in the only way we have open to us. Help support YOUR cause. Think of those in the past who DIED for their race. All you need do is become a supporter of the ANP. Give your money now, so you won't have to give your blood down the line. Isn't your race a cause you want to sacrifice for? In the past, many died for their white race. Become a supporter. Give on time. Be loyal. Steadfast. Our rich ruling elite, can afford to be liberal, because they're rich, and can live behind tall walls behind their mansions. We common folk have no such escape. As if things weren't bad enough, we are currently undergoing a Hispanic invasion. Already some states are no longer white majority. Hispanics are the majority now, even in towns in the rural south, that you never found Hispanics before. If we don't do something, we will be lost. Especially our children and grandchildren. Help the ANP defend your rights. You existence. Is $10 a month really that big a sacrifice, compared to those in the past who actually died for their race. We white Aryans better get our act together, because we're running out of time. Either we start supporting the only political party willing to defend us, or we die as a race in the US. Those in the past didn't hesitate. Don't you. Become a supporter. STAY a supporter. Our enemies have made clear they will show us NO mercy whatsoever. Resist as befits Aryans. Don't be herded like cattle to slaughter. Don't let our future generations suffer racial death. They deserve the beauty and comforts offered by a white Aryan world, not a non white sewer society.
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