There are many hot spots in the world that could escalate and cause another world war. Any crisis can easily escalate and get out of hand. With fallible humans running the show it is more then an even bet that something like this will happen. World War One is a perfect example.
First off, there is Islamic State. ISIS. It is fighting to establish a Muslim religious nation. A Caliphate. The West, led by the US, as per usual, is leading a resistance to this. The US is using this as an excuse to eliminate enemies of Israel, as well as get rid of an anti Capitalist group. Two things it abhors. Right now, the US has a tech advantage, that let's them control the battlefield. ISIS has fanaticism. Should things change, and ISIS get tech, look out. I have no doubt things will escalate. Possibly into a world war.
Second is the old standby Korea. US conservatives are still using the old Cold War crap, to have the US help democracy loving South Korea, against mean old North Korea. God how I wish we could grow up in this country. South Korea is a poor ally. It has taken millions of American jobs. Remember the old saying: "with friends like these who needs enemies". The US is upset over North Korea having nuclear weapons. Why? Other nations have them. No, our rich ruling elite thinks we should destroy North Korea. China protects the North. If we miscalculate, we can easily have another Korean war. Food for thought. North Korea may have felt it needed nuclear weapons to protect it from US meddling, and/or attack.
There is currently conflict in Ukraine. What should be an internal conflict, has been turned into a cold war style conflict between the US/West and Russia. Meddling in Russia's own backyard is nerve a smart thing to do, as anyone who has studied Russian history can easily figure out. The US govt being occupied with arrogant, ignorant assholes, has decided to humble Russia and put it in its place. Very bad idea. I personally don't think things will escalate, but one can never really know.
There is always the possibility of some "accident" that happens and sets things off. There could be a mistake, or a malfunction is testing of warheads/missiles etc. Many nations are careless. Don't guard closely enough, or handle things well enough. Just a possibility. As I said, we're fallible humans, so anything is possible.
I think the real reasons for world war three will be over resources. Oil, and land. Especially for water. Drinkable water is getting in short supply. People may fight for oil, but they will definitely fight for water. Water is literally life. Need it. Can NOT do without it. Our hypocritical, "let's all love each other" society will change its tune fast enough when people start going thirsty. Without adequate water supplies, there is no life. Period.
Although the above are all possible crisis's that could lead to war, I think the one most likely is the US govt. Our govt is dedicated to war. Our leadership is dedicated to war. It intends to fight to protect Israel, hence our anti Islam crusade. On an even more basic scale, our govt is populated with the corrupt. people whose greed knows no bounds. People utterly ruthless. People who have an insatiable drive for power. people for whom there is NEVER enough wealth and power. To me, the US is the threat to peace. We're constantly jumping into others conflicts. Like Ukraine. Conflicts we have no business being in. The US is utterly hypocritical. We treat our own people like shit. Is it any wonder we treat other nations so shabbily. Whatever altruism was in the US, has long since left. Any nation that thinks waterboarding is OK, is hardly one you can expect to be peaceful and law abiding.
National Socialism is the ONLY force that can save us, and this world. It will NOT lead the world in an anti Islam crusade. IT by its very nature treats other countries with respect. I don't have to like you to deal with you. We want to live in peace. Not bother, or be bothered. Unless we adopt a non meddling system, we are doomed. DOOMED. Our current govt system is one that thrives on duplicity and greed. A lust for power that embarrasses Imperial ancient Rome. WE must change our system. ASAP. Adopt National Socialism, and dump Judeo-Capitalism, while there is still a world. Help ANP. Donate money, donate time to give out lit. The choice is stark. Either we change to a more race friendly system, where we white Aryans are treated with dignity and care, or we continue to follow our present system, which will inevitably involve us in a big war, and not just little ones. It is inevitable. This system is powered by greed, and is highly warlike. Look at all the post World War Two wars and interventions. Do you really trust this crew of cut throats to lead you safely into harbor? I think rather then a crusie ship, we are on an imperialist Capitalist man of war. Accidents can happen, but our country seems determined to provoke disaster, for more. More resources, more power, more wealth. MORE. NS says enough is enough. Which side do you think will help YOUR survival.
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