Everywhere you look, there is hypocrisy in the land. It doesn't matter what field. Politics, business, the common people. Everywhere and in everything there is the terrible disease of hypocrisy.
In American politics, hypo is taken for granted. Think about this. We have come to expect LIES from our politicians as a matter of course. Leaders should give positions on policies. They should be sincere. Yet our politicians lie like hell. WE, the voting public go along with this. This is crazy. We vote for people, even though we expect them to be lying to us. Truth left the American political process long ago. Lies, and false positions now cover the political landscape like a plaque of old. In Europe, people have a set of beliefs. No matter what the political spectrum they're on, they are expected to have belief and act upon such beliefs. None of this "flip flop" stuff. You stick to your beliefs. Here in America, our politicians take it for granted that they tell us what we want to hear. Something different for each audience, all to be changed/repudiated once safely ensconced in office. Is it any wonder our political landscape is such a mess, with corruption among politicians, and apathy among voters. How can we get anything done in such a climate. Truth is, we can't. Whatever is done, we can't be sure won't be undone, because we can't trust whether the person saying something means it, or is just talking and will change or eliminate once in office and safely out of voter grasp.
Our business leaders are even worse. To them, profit is the be all, and end all of existence. Where we common folk look at woods and admire the beautiful view, they just see lumber to be cut and sold for a profit. Everything is money. They have come to expect, and it is expected of them, to do anything in order to make a profit. Illegal things, but mainly things of very questionable morality. In other words, we expect business leaders to act under handedly. To pull whatever bullshit will get them the most profit. To lie. Hence we know that whatever they say about how they won't outsource jobs, we know they most certainly will. So on and so forth.
Even in common everyday life, people now lie to each other, and even themselves. Do you? Do you kid yourself, that you support the movement, when you do nothing in the way of support? Do you tell basically lies in your everyday life. To yourself and others. It doesn't matter what the lie. Has honesty ceased to be in your life. I've seen much petty evil in my time. People who say they'll help you get a promotion or a better job, when all the while they know they won't lift a finger to help anyone but themselves.
The above is wrong. No matter how you try and square it with yourself. Our society is based on lies. This is because we have a Judeo-Capitalist system that is based on a lie. That when people are left to themselves, they'll do the right thing and all will prosper. This is flat out wrong. Evil is evil. We so called evil Nazis live by a code of conduct. We strive to live rich fulfilling lives according to said code. The code of National Socialism. We have a set of beliefs. Are expected to follow said beliefs. Stick to them. None of this easy morality that Judeo-Capitalism has in abundance. We expect people to be moral. Always, not just when it suits them. The corruption/apathy that plaques our current system would all but be unknown in an NS society. If we want change, we must choose it, and embrace it. No shillyshallying. If we continue to accept hypocrisy as our guiding principal, our condition will only worsen. White Aryans will continue to lose ground. The terrible inequality in this country will only grow and get worse. We need change now. Change in ourselves. We must DEMAND accountability form leaders. Excellence in production, not shoddy workmanship. Demand changes, and mean it. Change ourselves that we say what we mean and stick to it, not just say what is convenient. We must change ourselves, and our society, before hypocrisy tears us down to the level of mere animals in clothes.
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