Thursday, July 30, 2015


Our govt loves to crunch numbers. They don't want to do anything for their people, but they love to crunch numbers concerning them. This stat though, should be a wake up call to white Aryan America. It turns out that 1 out of every 10 white Aryan children lives in poverty. This is by ZOG's own admission. Its hard to take in, but even harder to understand why our govt allows this state of affairs. Asians also had the same stat, while blacks and Hispanics had it far worse, something like 1 in 3.
I don't care about the non whites. They can handle their own affairs, and problems. What I care about, is the situation of white Aryans, in this case our kids. 1 out of 10. This is truly disgraceful. What happened to the so called "war on poverty"? This is a lot of children. Children. These kids are growing up with poor prospects for living a decent life. Many have dim prospects for any life, as they face the problems of poverty, drugs/prostitution/violence. Once the problems of the black ghetto, now are the problems of white Aryan children. Our govt, ZOG, could care less. The Jews despise white Aryans. There has been bad blood between the groups since time immemorial. The Jews enjoy seeing the hardship and even destruction of white Aryans. They make sure not a finger of govt does anything to help. The war on poverty was a big lie. Meant to help only BLACK poor. Whites were never really considered for getting help. The attitude of this country has been that white Aryans should take care of themselves. As per usual, our govt only helps those it wants to help, and even then, not very much.
I am truly appalled by the above stat, but far more so, over how the white Aryan community takes it so blandly. Our kids are suffering. Our kids are facing a truly terrible future. Many of our kids face no future as they will die off from various preventable causes. Yet white Aryan people are doing nothing to save their own kids. Their own racial future. This is truly horrible. When you can stand idly by, as your race suffers, and dies, this is really the low point of existence.
White Aryans need NOW, not later, now, to deal with this problem. Stop worrying about other groups. The hell with them. Let them take care of themselves. Its every race for itself. Always has been. We have been brainwashed by Jewish liberalism to "save the world". Bullshit. Let each care for its own. We need to save ours right now. Before we slide into an even worse situation like 1 in 2 white Aryan kids in poverty. It can all too easily happen.
White Aryans need to unite. We need to become determined that we do not accept 1 in 10 of our children in poverty. That we refuse to allow it. That we intend to DO something about it. Unity is a start. Determination is a start. Action to back these up is imperative. The major political parties are totally concerned with only serving the interests of the 1% in the case of Republicans, and non whites in the case of the Democrats. Neither party gives a damn about the fading white Aryan position in America. Only the ANP cares about white Aryan America. It is white Aryan America. Serving it, is the basis for its existence. It is totally concerned about its race, and helping it. survive and prosper. We must support it. Strongly. With donations of money, and volunteering our time to give our literature. We must get the word out, so our people realize what dire shape our race really is in. Unless we unify, and develop political strength, our race faces a black hole. We need to get candidates into local office. Not as Nazis, but concerned citizens. As we develop local strength at the polls, we can expand on to state and national office. Eventually taking back our govt. Saving ourselves. Can you accept YOUR kids in poverty? Don't help, and one day very soon, you will be confronted by such.

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