Monday, July 27, 2015

Petty evil

The greatest hallmark of Judeo-Capitalism is that it OK's dishonesty. Not the big kind like robbing a bank, but all sorts of minor crime. This is because in Jewish liberal minds, which are behind it, Judeo-Capitalism is all gray areas. Nothing is really all good, or all evil. I think more then anything, this attitude is what gets the Jews in trouble in every land they go to. For white Aryans, there is good, and there is evil. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
Notice how when you go shopping, you end up paying more for less. Shrinking product. More money for less product. Since Judeo-Capitalism is ALL about profit, cheating like this is considered good business. Smart business. I find it dishonorable, but then again, Judeo-Capitalism is totally devoid of honor.
See all the so called schlock products on TV. Some huckster is trying to con you into buying something, usually junk. Schlock basically means junk. Where do you think the word came from. It is of Jewish origin. Again, Judeo-Capitalism thinks its OK to con people and trick them to make a profit. Morality doesn't enter into it at all.
Why do we continue to take it? Live with, and accept being cheated day in and day out. I remember working at a hospital. The cafeteria food was terrible, and grossly overpriced. Workers complained non stop about it. Yet, rather then bring their lunch, everyone continued to eat there rain or shine. They insisted on eating at a place they hated. Why was this? It is because thru the media, we are brain washed into doing things that we really don't want to do, and really make no sense for us to do. TV is a powerful weapon, in mind control. Thru slick ads, we are conditioned to buy. Even if the merchandise is overpriced and not at all necessary, we're conditioned to buy at any price. We're all just well trained seals, jumping thru hoops. Judeo-Capitalism WORSHIPS profit. In it, there is no wrong, just profit making. Make money and you're admired. Don't make money, and you're a bum. So we buy like good little drones. Mindlessly obeying the subliminal suggestions in the commercials to buy, no matter what.
Unfortunately, this technique has now become standard practice in our political life. Vote for so and so. Never mind their record, just vote for them. Is it really any wonder we end up with the scum of the earth as political candidates. As business tolerates and even encourages dishonesty, politics is far far worse. Seems anything goes in politics. No matter how outrageous the lie, our politicians tell it, if it means getting votes. Honesty never, ever, enters into political discussion any more. So we end up with a totally corrupt system. Dishonesty in business, even more dishonesty in politics. We're cheated in business, and sold out in politics. In a society that is governed solely by the self motive (Judeo-Capitalism), this is to be expected. People are totally selfish, and told its OK to be totally selfish. Hence we end up with a toilet bowl society. No morals, just dishonesty/cheating/lying. Hell if you like.
National Socialism rejects in no uncertain terms the "gray" area morality of liberal Judaism. For us, its right or wrong. No gray areas. People who do wrong should be, and are punished. Lying is unacceptable for any and all reasons. Morality is not a matter of convenience. We as a people must stop. Stop accepting anything less then pure, unaltered, morality. The Judeo-Capitalist  mutated morality we have now must go. Replaced with good old fashioned Aryan morality. Honesty is all. Honor is everything. Any form of corruption, either in business, or politics must be eliminated. Only when we strive to make it so, will we again have a just and pure society. Our media is an unguided missile. Hurling moral destruction to the ends of the earth. Only when we Aryans install a moral compass, will our govt be a true for good, and not evil, as it currently is. We can matter. Frankly, we have to matter whether we like it or not. Support ANP with donations. Give your time to give out lit. Help bring our society back to US, and not let ZOG and the corruption it stands for triumph. A united, determined people is mighty hard to beat. History is full of examples. Time for us, to set an example for here.

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