Notice how our rich ruling elite insists on butting into other countries business. The problems of our country are ignored. Its always overseas that interests them. Why is this?. Why is the situation in other countries always so important, and the problems of here at home ignored and made light of?
Notice the constant interventions in other countries. At first it was the supposed Communist threat. We had to intervene to keep all the nations of the world from going Communist. Frankly, how some societies are, I think they should go Communist.Now its Islamism. Our govt constantly looks for enemies or ways to make enemies. Seems not a day goes by, that the US isn't involved in some kind of intervention. Wars between and within nations. Any and all kinds of domestic or foreign problems in other countries backyards.
Our govt loves to boss around. Our rich ruling elite loves to play God. Lording it over other societies. After all, its fun to play God. Be all powerful. Able to do whatever the hell you want. Our rulers dare think of themselves as gods. Able to do no wrong. Always right.. Ego plays a role in our foreign policy actions. Our rulers think of themselves as heroes. That they always know better. That whatever they decide is the right thing to do. Why else are we at war with Islam. Does it really matter to us if a nation has an Islamic govt.
The liberals in ZOG love to be world policeman. They're determined to make other countries Judeo-Capitalist, whether they want to be or not. The very thing the Communists were accused of, forcing their beliefs on others, our own govt does in spades. Make other nations toe the US line, come hell or high water. I believe in me and my nation minding our own business, but the liberal establishment does not. Liberals say they want to spread democracy, freedom of choice. This is total hypocrisy. They want the spread of American style democracy, with no regard to the inhabitants of a nation's wishes. The better to have a system of corruption, that can be bought and paid for by American corrupt corporate interests. All the better to bribe officials to gain valuable natural resources. Plundering a nation, under guise of freeing it. Inhabitants don't want democracy, tough shit. Our govt sends in agents, and/or troops to enforce its will.
Nowadays, the US govt has become the schoolyard bully of the international stage. It tries to subvert govts with bribes called foreign aid. Should the money bribery angle not work, then naked raw force is applied. Under the pretext of "saving", and "freeing" a nation, when all it is doing is relieving it of its resources. Since human beings area "resource" to Judeo-Capitalism, populations are supposedly freed from tyranny, when the tyranny is the US and its overbearing ways. Many nations supported the USSR in the Cold War, not because they really liked Soviet Communism, but because the wanted to free themselves from Judeo-Capitalist dominance. Why do you think North Korea felt it had to develop nuclear weapons? Why does Iran want to? To have a shield to protect them from American meddling, and possibly American invasion if they don't toe the line.
Look at the list: Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, El Salvador. Many, many more. The US is constantly at war, or meddling somehow in other nations business. We shouldn't worry about making other countries democratic. That's for them to do themselves. Like it, or not, it is none of our business. Our soldiers precious lives should not be risked except in self defense.
Isn't it time we stopped our warmonger govt. Stopped our elite from risking our soldiers, just to let they rape whole nations. America needs to stand for justice, not ravaging and plunder. We're now a pirate nation. No morals. Just greed, and ruthlessness. Help the ANP. Help stop Judeo-Capitalist lawlessness. Donate to the party's war chest. We need funds to contest local elections, and work towards building a national resistance network, to oppose every election, even dogcatcher. Help us restore the good name, and honor of the Aryan race. Time to remove our criminal govt. Donate your money, and your time giving out lit. Our govt is pure evil. Controlled by evil. Time to stop it and restore goodness and light. Help us. It is our moral imperative. Our moral duty. The right thing to do.
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