For their numbers, Jews have had an inordinate influence on American life, and thru America, the world.
The Jews love toilet humor. Their comedians were known for it in the clubs of the borscht belt in the Catskills (Jewish alps). Comedians like Lenny Bruce were always pushing the envelope. Look how smutty TV has gotten. Shows come across now like soft porn movies. The Jews believe everything is a gray area, that nothing is strictly black or white. I disagree. Right is right, wrong is wrong. It is that simple. There have to be ironclad morals, or we have no civilization.
The Jews talk about loving everyone, (liberals), but they don't. They are God's chosen people, and they come first and always. The rest of us, exist simply to serve the "master race". I don't like being a slave, so I disagree with this also.
Remember the Youth International Party (YIPPIES)? It was a leader in resistance to the Vietnam war. The Jews took advantage of the US govt and society at war, to push their liberal Jew agenda, with dire consequences for white Aryans. It was mostly Jewish led. The ACLU is at least 80% Jewish. The Jews have always been leftist revolutionaries/activists. They love to tear down the establishment. An anarchist bent to their thinking. I feel we need govt. Right or wrong. Without rules, there is only disorder.
The Jews pushed hard for the black cause. Helping them to get civil rights. This was NOT done out of altruism. Jews hate Christian Aryans. They have long memories. They follow an eye for an eye. They use the blacks to bedevil white Aryan society. A WMD to help destroy white Aryan culture, and even the people. They feel if whites are constantly battling the blacks, they won't have time to pick on them. This is why they welcome Hispanic influx. More enemies for white Aryans to deal with.
They have no problem with things like feminism and homosexuality. Just more of there is no wrong. Two Jewesses wrote the feminist bible, the "Feminine Mystique". It is totally anti family. Pushes women to "find themselves", and go it alone. Family is the cornerstone of human society, and civilization. This book makes it alright for humans to rut like animals. Humans are humans not animals. We're on a higher level, and need to act like it. Not be animals, but above the animal.
The American Jews are pro Israel. No surprise there. Unfortunately, they are too pro Israel. The Jewish lobby in the US makes damn sure every pro Israel piece of legislation gets past. The US has jumped into an anti Islam/Arab mode, and now conducts wars against them. Coincidentally the US is battling countries that just happen to be enemies of Israel. We, the US, are fighting THEIR wars for them. Not a good situation in my book.
Jews don't like guns. At least for here. In Israel everyone has a Uzi. Here they want us disarmed. Its no accident a Jew invented Marxism/Communism. Its suppose to be a religion, but many are quite secular, even atheist. To them it is about race, pure and simple. Us vs. them. I think they want some secular paradise as per Communism was suppose to bring. Many Russian Bolsheviks (Communists) were Jews. Same with Germany at the overthrow of the Kaiser. The Jews took over much of Germany.
Israel has no mercy/compassion. Oppose them and face the consequences. They love to kick Arab ass. As mentioned, there is no gun control in Israel. Everyone has a Uzi. Israel is highly militaristic. Women are conscripted as well as men. Israel doesn't believe in compromise. Its their way period. Religious parties have power. They enforce religious edicts like no driving on the Sabbath.
My question is this. Why do the Jews of America want the exact opposite of what goes on in Israel? They have one agenda for the US, and another for Israel. We white Aryans are trapped in the middle. The Jews want a nation that is multi racial, and multi cultural, that they can control. Money is their tool of power. Sticking it to white Aryans is their goal. They use us to save Israel, all the while helping to destroy us. Whites are now on the road to being a racial minority, with dire consequences.
If your happy with the Jew agenda, then do nothing. If you oppose it, then donate to ANP. Help give out lit. Act now, while there is still time to save ourselves, or we will perish. Put down, and put out by non whites acting as the Jews weapon against us.
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