Remember the Communist threat? That Judeo-Capitalist propaganda piece, that made it sound like Communism was about to take over any minute. Turned out that Communism was really quite weak. Our gross politicians used the FEAR, to make everybody toe the line, and back the Capitalist system, or be called traitor. It was either support the system, or be punished as an enemy of it. Who really is the ENEMY?
Our intelligence people knew the Communist states were way behind in technology. Our politicians ignored the truth, and used it to scare us into obedience. Our country fought in Korea, and Vietnam, for nothing. Hell, we're even outsourcing tech and factories to Vietnam now.
The REAL enemy is, and has always been, Judeo-Capitalism. All the terrible things that were suppose to happen to us if we went Communist has happened under Judeo-Capitalism.
People have lost, and continue to lose their homes. There are quite a number of homeless in this country. Homeless, as in absolutely no shelter, or place to call your own. People have taken to living under highway overpasses for shelter. Hell, even the cavemen lived in caves. People were given what seemed like easy mortgages, only to find out they couldn't really afford them. The purveyors of such mortgages, were out for commissions, and didn't care who they conned into buying. No money, no house. Out they go into the street. All the while, our rich ruling elite just sits back and watches. Unconcerned, uncaring. Disgraceful. How these creatures can sit on their hands, and watch people, families, scrounge for shelter is beyond me. They aren't human. All they care about is money, and self, the hallmarks of Judeo-Capitalism.
People have had, and continue to have their savings wiped out. We hear our so called economic experts whine and cry about how people in the US don't save enough. Don't save enough! How the hell can we? Wages are stagnant. It takes every dollar for the vast majority to be able to survive. Who has excess to put away in a bank to collect a measly 5% interest which is taxed by the govt. Prices keep rising. Wages are staying the same. Even those who had/have money in pensions, and 401K's are losing out. Wall Street greed brought on the Great Recession. Millions lost out. Many lost all. Savings. Good luck with that. Our corporate types are always fighting raising the minimum wage. A wage that barely keeps you from starving, much less gives you money to sock away.
Our wage level in the US is abysmal. The vast majority of the American people toil for very low money. Semi slave wages. The wage situation in the US is terrible. Wages are stagnant. Our employers don't want to pay, pure and simple. Our rich ruling elite wants to have pseudo slavery. Have people work at ridiculously low wages. Wages, if you can call them that, at a very low level. Not satisfied with low wages, our rulers want to make sure wages stay low. Unions are being destroyed. No union, means no bargaining power, and workers at the mercy, or more like lack of, of employers. Hell, many employers are pushing for give backs. Economic blackmail. Give back your raise/vision/dental, or we'll close the place. This from people swimming in money. This is why our rulers want illegal immigration. A low wage workforce at near slave wage conditions. A workforce too scared to speak out. Ready made slaves. All the wars to supposedly protect Americans. All the labor/union conflicts, and this is where the American worker ends up. Poor. Low pay. Long hours. This is the freedom Americans now have. The freedom to be poor, and if not starving, then malnourished.
Communism was cursed as a dictatorship, where people had no say. What the hell is this country? We common people have absolutely no say in anything. Know the old saying " Write your congressman". Why. He won't answer. Only the wealthy who give massive campaign contributions get heard. If your poor, or even just middle class, no money, means no help or being heard. Our rulers are rich. Congress is a millionaires club. The rich only respect the rich. Hence those of us not in the 1% are ignored. We get played on election day, but forgotten immediately after. Democracy in this country is a joke. Just the rich manipulating the non rich, to get their way. Our votes don't matter. This is just as much a dictatorship as Stalinist Russia was. We're ruled by an uncaring rich elite, who only care about personal wealth and power. The hell with all else. Especially the people. We're merely an obstacle to overcome, until next election time. Look at how our country is being constantly plunged into war, against our wishes, for dubious causes and reasons. The Jewish lobby, its money, gets it results. No matter what the majority think or want.Votes are just smoke and mirrors. Even though it causes us common folk much suffering, jobs continue to be outsourced. Our needs are ignored. Our lives and kids futures are trampled on by the money worshipers. Where is the will of the people in all this. Manipulated, and rendered worthless.
Help support ANP. Donate, so something can at least start to be done to resist the corruption of this society, and Judeo-Capitalist regime. It is the real enemy, and we better start resisting, or we'll all end up in dire poverty, barely eking out a miserable existence to survive. We white Aryans deserve so much more, and so far we keep getting so much less. National Socialism is out ONLY way out. Support it, and live. Ignore how things are, and face a slow agonizing death of our civilization.
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