The US govt is now controlled by glorified con men. people who love to manipulate. Trick. They play us for suckers.
The latest con, is the good old military-industrial complex. The Dept of Defense, and defense industry, are constantly talking about how China is now such a threat. That it is a menace that we must be ready to battle with at a moments notice. They want us taxpayers to fund new tanks and planes. More and better guns. We must resist Chinese aggression. What aggression? China is laying claim to some islands in the South China sea. How is this any of the US's business?
Our war hawks forget to mention, just how and why China has been able to build up such a powerful military. Because the US has enabled it. China's military buildup has been and is being funded by the US. After all, we trade with them. They make money hand over fist by selling anything, and everything to us. Our trading with China has given it much money, that it has decide to use to build a strong and powerful military.
In turn, our hawks preach that we must prepare for war. They neglect to mention how much money the arms manufacturers will make by doing so. The military always wants its toys. That's why its important to keep the military under civilian control, or we'd have constant wars, so the military could constantly have great new weapons systems. Same old story. The merchants of death. Anything to create war or threat of war, and make a buck. Military industry think tanks constantly warn how we must prepare for combat. Thing is, who pays the think tanks. Academia is NOT free. It is enslaved to its paymasters, the military industrial complex. Hence it serves its role of warmongers, to scare the people, and make them fearful and ready to fight what in reality are non existent enemies.
This is our ZOG govt at work. Always trying to trick us. Play us for suckers. Use us to make a buck off of. Our rich ruling elite is Capitalist to the core. That means make money at any and all costs. The truth to them is irrelevant, if not an actual annoyance. Hence we constant war scares. We're told we have constant enemies, and are on the verge of attack.
Have you had enough of the bullshit? I sure have. A govt that feels its sole duty is to con its own citizens needs to be removed. I want a govt to govern me, not some criminal con gang. Govt is suppose to take care of its people, not dupe them into doing stupid, unnecessary things. Our prisons are full of people who tried to defraud. Yet our ruling system is rife with dishonesty, and it is ignored and allowed to go on.
National Socialism would never, could never, be like this. A National Socialist govt would be dedicated to its people, its race. It values its people, so it would never send them to fight useless, unnecessary wars. A NS govt would provide services to its people, not try and trick them, or rob them. Govt has a DUTY to its people to care for them, and protect them. Our Judeo-Capitalist system has no qualms about doing anything underhanded, as it has no conscience whatsoever. A govt of criminals, will behave criminally. Its just that simple. LOGIC. Why are we white Aryans supporting a govt system dedicated to our impoverishment and eventual destruction? Shouldn't we try and become free as we should be. Why take crap, and live with crap, and live under crap leadership.
We need a new govt system, NOW! Not later, now. If we wait, who knows what mess our rich ruling elite will get us into. We're already at war with Islam. What's next, war with Russia, war with China. War with fill in the blank. Support the ANP. It is striving for a National Socialist govt and system. Away with greed and manipulation. A govt and society dedicated to care of the race. Its our only hope. The major parties are totally corrupt. We need new now. Donate to ANP. Your champion and protector. Give of your time giving out lit. Help ANP help fight your cause. The white Aryan race. If we don't change things now, we'll no doubt end up in many major messes as ZOG strives to make a buck by intimidation/lies/skullduggery. We need govt. Not a con game run by con artist politicians.
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