Capitalism is a big LIE! It promises prosperity to everyone. The result in reality is truly terrible inequality. The US today has the same social/economic inequality it did in 1820.
Judeo-Capitalism is also very harmful to the environment. Our planet is hurt every day by Judeo-Capitalist machinations. It is no exaggeration to say, this planet is in grave danger of being destroyed, because of Capitalist greed.
Consider. First off, there is pollution. Capitalist manufacturers are basically very greedy. They are perfectly willing to let the planet be polluted, even unto death, just to be able to save money by not putting in anti pollution equipment on their factory smokestacks. They are quite content to let their industrial wastes run into rivers/streams/lakes etc, endangering drinking water supplies. What doesn't go into the actual bodies of waters, gets leached into the ground endangering underground aquifers. Look at the fracking controversy. Industry says its safe, but many homes have had their water catch fire because chemicals entered their wells, and aquifers. This shows the depravity of Capitalism. The need to make profits, even at the expense of the survival of the Capitalists themselves, and their families. Make money. No mater what. NO MATTER WHAT. Somehow the Capitalists, if they even think they're vulnerable, think they will magically escape the mess. They're heads are in the counting house, not the real world.
Animal species are being lost every blessed day. Loss of habitat, and just plain killing. Farmers clear land without regard to the consequences to animal populations. Look at the Amazon. It is being depleted for lumber, and to make grazing lands for cattle. Jungle land is usually too poor for farming as it doesn't have enough of the proper nutrients for farming/crop raising. Animal species, are being lost, never to be replaced, because of reckless greed. Jurassic Park the novel/movie, is fiction. There is no known way to resurrect lost animal populations. Once gone, they're gone. Yes, allowance as to be made for "progress" as people populations grow bigger, and the need to increase farming area also grows. Capitalism just takes, without regard to consequences. The most stark example of Capitalism harm to the environment, over money, is poaching. This is wholesale slaughter of animal herds/animals, just to make a buck. Elephants are being destroyed solely so poachers can make a tidy profit selling their ivory, to make nice trinkets with. Same with rhinos. They are being destroyed, so daggers can be made of rhino horn, and the horn can be used as an aphrodisiac. Tiger, and bear parts are also being sold as folk medicine. Threatening both species with extinction, just so scumbags can make a profit selling animal parts to superstitious/ignorant peasants who happen to have a couple of those all sacred bucks.
Deforestation is to plants as hunting/poaching is to animals. Whole tracts of land are being cleared so farms and ranches can be established. The fact that many plant species are being lost is of no interest to the profit makers. To them its money/greed all the way. They are perfectly at ease with destroying every plant, down to a blade of grass, if it will enable them to make those all sacred bucks. Species of plant, that might help, are being lost for immediate profit, threatening the future,
Capitalism drains earth resources. Mining especially literally takes from the earth. The minerals may be valuable, but getting them destroys precious mother earth. Strip mining allows getting minerals easily, but leaves devastation in its wake. Acres of barren land. Sterile land. Nothing growing, or can grow. Trying to turn earth into a moonscape.
Capitalism is bad for the planet. How can it not be, when the sole motivation is greed. We need a new system, and now, while there is still a planet to save and live on. This isn't Star Trek, where we can just get into a space ship and move on to greener planets. We're stuck ere for many millennia. We need to care for planet earth. Isn't going to happen with Capitalism. National Socialism cares for the environment. It has a different core concern. Instead of greed, its race. Makes a world of difference in how things are perceived and practiced. The choice is starkly simple. Either we ditch Capitalism the destroyer of worlds and embrace eco friendly National Socialism, or we keep our current Capitalist system, and see our planet destroyed, and we along with it. The Earth is vast, but even it has its limits.
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