Monday, June 8, 2015


My father was of normal intelligence. Yet time and again, he'd let problems fester till they really got bad and expensive to fix. This, when timely early intervention would have saved much money, when a problem was still small.
I see this kind of attitude with the American white Aryans. Our people are waiting. Waiting for what I'm not really sure. God, Messiah, man on a white horse. Don't know. What I do know, is that by waiting, instead of acting, our people are cutting their own throats. By waiting, instead of resisting ZOG in the here and now, we are dooming ourselves to defeat. By supporting the ANP now, we white Aryans would be saving ourselves a lot of trouble later. We need to support the ANP now. Twenty years ago, whites were in a far better position, but whites chose to wait, and now we have a black president, and Hispanics are flooding our borders. If we had acted earlier, we could have stopped in its tracks job outsourcing overseas. Instead, white Aryans have chosen to wait. If we continue to wait, soon the situation will be irretrievable. White Aryans will be a minority in the USA. Decent pay jobs will all be outsourced, and no good jobs will be left. It will all be minimum wage, no benefit ones. If we wait, our leaders will drag us yet deeper into war. Constant war. We'll be little more then a salve warrior society, serving our masters in ZOG, like the Mamluks, and Janissaries did for their masters. The two mentioned were Christian slaves converted to Islam, and forced to fight their Muslim masters wars. Is this what YOU want? Our nation little more then a warrior slave nation enthralled to Israel. Its happening right now, as I write.
White Aryan. What in the hell are you waiting for? Why won't you support ANP. It is your one and only chance for white Aryan survival. Our civilization, our future depends on us helping the party of our cause. The major parties are just two factions of rich people struggling for wealth and power. The common white person doesn't matter a hill of beans to them. They will gladly let us die. They intend to let us whither on the vine. Our race die. Our civilization vanish. Timely help to ANP can give them the tools they need to save us. Or at least, defend us somewhat. I ask again, what in hell are you waiting for? The second coming of Christ. Space aliens. Santa Claus or the Easter bunny. There is no one, repeat, no one who will save us, except ourselves. We must help ANP now, while the situation is still manageable. If we continue to wait, we'll wait too long, till the situation is out of control, and unmanageable. White Aryan save yourself. Your children. Your grandchildren. STOP waiting. Do. Do now. The more we wait, the worse things will get. Don't be like my foolish father, and wait on taking care of a problem, till it becomes a major catastrophe. Jumping on a problem quickly is the surest way to keep it manageable.
ANP is OUR political party. The only one that cares about the race. US, white Aryans. Helping them now, lets them help us now. Not helping now, will result in a toilet bowl society becoming an ever greater one. Already, inequality in the USA is as bad as it was in 1820. Do we really want to wait and see how much worse it can get. Do we really want to wait, and see if we can end up like the Roman Empire, where 1 out of every 3 people was a slave. Our Congress is already like the ancient Roman Senate, an elite body, that cares nothing for the common person. Do we really want to wait and see how much worse, how much more elitist it can get.
Support the ANP. There is yet time. Lets head off catastrophe now, not wait for it to come. National Socialism, is the only hope we have. White Aryans are under siege. Unless we unite, and resist, we will be destroyed. Act now, not later. NOW! Too much is riding on us, for us to just sit back and wait, and wonder. Action is the key. Help ANP, while it can still help us now. Tomorrow is too late. Now.

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