Thursday, June 25, 2015


This society has lost the cohesion, that made it great. Instead of working together, people are out for themselves. Life is valueless. People are mere things to manipulate. Once proud peoples now fight over the scraps from the tables of the super rich. Aryans were once proud warriors. Now they cower in fear lest they lose their jobs and starve. Plutocracy rules the land. Cruel plutocrats run the show, treating their fellows like dirt beneath their feet.
In our Judeo-Capitalist system, no skill means no big money. No money means no chance at a decent life. If you can't make the bucks, you starve, and end up homeless. Our society doesn't care about the poor. far from it. Instead of help, the poor are treated with contempt. Our rich ruling elite feels that if you're poor, you must be lazy. They want to eliminate all social programs, because in their eyes, people must only help themselves. It doesn't occur to them, that people can get sick, since they can afford any and all medical treatments. It doesn't occur to them, that people have lost jobs, because the greedy rich outsource jobs overseas, to make a miserly few extra bucks. Better to shaft workers, then pay them anything like a decent wage. Many workers have had to "giveback" benefits they won previously. Especially unions. There is a Capitalist war against unions going on. The goal is to bust the unions. Employers now threaten to outsource jobs unless workers give up hard won gains like dental and vision insurance.
Less money inevitably results in less dignity, as workers are increasingly forced to scramble to make a decent living. Workers should be treated with dignity, but American workers are treated with total contempt. No money results in workers being treated like dirt forced to surrender at every turn by a Capitalist dominated govt and system. No paychecks mean US workers have no value in a money dominated economy and society.
We Americans are no good. We treat each other like garbage. It's now get the other person before he/she gets you. Is this really how human civilization should be? We're still stuck in an economic system around since ancient times. Screw the other guy.
If asked for help in getting an acquaintance a job, do you? Or do you yeah them and blow them off. Do you only worry that your job may be affected? Is it too much trouble to help others? If you answered yes, to these questions, your part of the problem. Your helping to perpetuate the cruelty of Capitalism. Evil doesn't have to be great. It can be small scale. Its refusing to help those who need/ask for help. If you blow off someone who asks for help, your just as much no good as any bank robber or burglar.
We need a new system of behavior. One that stresses cooperation. Unity. Duty. Honor. Loyalty. National Socialism is everything that Capitalism isn't. The previously mentioned are just some of the virtues it has. It values the race. Not money. People over profits. People can get ahead due to ability, but never due to dirty dealing. We need to change our perspective. Having money, doesn't make a good person. More like the opposite. We need our rulers to have pity. Right now we're ruled by the heartless. Unless we change things, we're doomed as a people. Our civilization will cease. Overrun by a sea of muds. Donate to the ANP. It wants to help bring SOCIAL JUSTICE back to white society. Workers should be treated fairly, not as some resource to use then throw away. If you want dignity, respect, and a decent wage as a worker, you won't get it thru Capitalism. You will thru National Socialism. Change over. Now. While there is still time. Before our kids end up slaves in a pseudo slave society. I want my kids to live in a human civilization. Not ruled by greedy monsters, or having to live/work with lazy/hostile non whites. We're Aryans damn it. We deserve decent treatment. Use to be we demanded it. We need to do so yet again. Now, before things get even worse for us.

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