People oppose Nazism, because they believe the anti Nazi propaganda about it. That all Nazism is , is hate, and having a brutal dictatorship. The TRUTH is quite different. Rather then barbarism, Nazism is the last wall between primitive savagery and civilization. It is the enemies of Nazism that are primitive savages, who want to destroy all that ennobles mankind, that has been built thru the ages.
Nazism stands for classical art. Art created by brilliant masters. Art that resembles real life so well, you'd think you were looking at a photograph. Our enemies favor modern art. Crap on a canvas. Art that is suppose to make you think. How can you think of anything but that a painting is crap, when it doesn't even look like the artist tried to do anything, achieve anything. Just some daubs of paint on a canvas, with no real effort.
Nazism values classical music. Music created by masters. Truly masterful works of sound. Our enemies like gangsta rap. Music that promotes and glorifies criminal activity as "cool". Glorifying crime is never, ever, glorious. It is corrupting. It sets bad example and leads people from living decent lives. It is promoting lawless behavior to the detriment of society.
Nazism stands for family. In Nazi Germany, mothers of a certain number of children were actually given medals for their achievement. Family meant something. Stood for something. What makes human more then a mere animal. The building black of society/civilization. Our enemies are anti family. They push feminism. Being single. Same sex pairings. In other words, no to family. Just go it alone, like some animal in the wilderness. Just take care of yourself, alone. Since Judeo-Capitalism is at its core about selfishness, this is not at all surprising. Our enemies encourage selfishness, because they are. Something standing for love and sacrifice, like Nazism/family, just has to be rejected. A Nazi govt would do everything in its power to help promote family life. Tax breaks, govt programs, you name it. Our enemies promote no fault divorce. That marriage doesn't mean anything, and should be looked on as disposable.
Nazism values the race. All should be done in the name of, and for, the race. Unity. Comradeship. Family. The racial state, racial folk community. Our enemies stand for money. Self. Frankly they stand for nothing, as they believe in nothing except making a buck for their personal gratification. Is it any wonder that US society is corrupt, and aimless. A system that promotes selfishness as the be all, end all of existence, can not hope to have anything but chaos. people/society need lofty goals to rise above, and achieve. Self is a dead end, on the road to oblivion for a society that stand for nothing, values nothing.
Nazism stands for peace. Just because it was involved in war, doesn't mean it wanted war. Nazis today want peace. Desperately. We see war as the road to ruin. We hate the idea of fighting wars that need not be fought. Islam/Arab oppose us, because we side without question with their enemy Israel. We act like an enemy, so we're looked on and treated as an enemy. Nazism isn't against Israel. We don't care what it does. That's its own business. We care greatly that we have to help, even when it isn't in our interest to do so. We feel we need not make enemies where there is no need whatsoever to do so. Our enemies are total slaves to Jewish money. The Jewish lobby, and Israel. Hence we fight peoples we have no business fighting. War is big business now. The military-industrial complex. Sad to relate, the people in power make money off of conflict. War, and the fear of war. Hence we're now in conflict with Russia, and China. Anything to pump up military spending. We common folk are expected to pay the war bills, and give our BLOOD for cause that are really none of our concern. Just defending the homeland went by the boards long ago. Now its be afraid, fight. Make that buck for our corrupt masters, ZOG. Are you willing to DIE for our govt/Israel/ZOG? Is your life, blood, for sale, or just ready to obey orders? To fight and die for those who hold you in contempt. View you as just another way to make money.
Nazism stands for civilization. Manners. The genteel art of saying and doing things. That humans are, and should act like, something more then mere animals. Politeness is a hallmark of Nazism. Showing respect to elders. A true mark of the civilized. Our enemies stand for gross crudity. Shock jocks who are crude. Shock value of truly filthy language. Throughout the media. No more manners. They want the actions of the street. Dirty language. Disrespect to elders. Movies/TV promoting wanton sex and drug use. Is it any wonder that these days, third graders have mouths like army drill sergeants. People like Lenny Bruce, Howard Stern, always pushing the envelope as to what they can get away with. Sure polite society can be stuffy at times, but its a lot better then the alternative street culture of drinking/drugging/promiscuous sex. The street animal existence. Nazism looks on humanity as worthy of being better and promotes it to be so. Our enemies look on humans as just another species of animal, and condones all animalistic behavior.
Which side do YOU prefer? Nazism and civilization, or our enemies and their primitive street culture. How much to you want to have your kids talk like proper decent humans? As opposed to the anti Nazi opposition and their primitive street culture. In Nazism, things are right and wrong, black and white. In anti Nazi culture, in the Jewish way of thinking, there is no right or wrong, just gray. Nazism says, insists, there is right and wrong. Has to be. We refuse to accept living as little more then animals with tech. Choose your side carefully. The decision you make you live with for all time. If you choose us, the Nazis, support us. Help us, against them, and their corruption/evil. Donate money, and your time to give out lit. Help us promote civilization. Are you human, or just an upright ape as our enemies push. Take a stand. Hopefully with us. We need help desperately. Our enemies have wealth and power. We intend to match, and surpass them. Help us do so. Let us unite and work together to restore civilization, and bar the door to primitive evil savagery that our enemies are poisoning our country with. Think. Do you want your kids to be prim and proper humans, or ignorant primitive gutter trash. We want the former, help us achieve it.
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