Monday, June 29, 2015

Between a rock and a hard place.

American workers are in a vise. Being squeezed to death.
Our rich ruling elite, are outsourcing our jobs like crazy. Everything comes from China these days. We make hardly anything ourselves anymore. With jobs overseas, that means none are here. At least none that pay a decent wage. Everything now, is minimum wage, and no benefits. How is this good for the American worker? It isn't. American workers are getting shafted. Pure and simple.
Here at home what jobs there are, besides being minimum wage/no benefits, illegal immigrants are taking them. Seems the rich ruling elite would much prefer to hire people who aren't even citizens, because they work cheap. Any problems, and they get deported. In the meantime Aryan workers are going without. left to try and scrounge a job, even if it doesn't allow the support of a family.
Unfortunately, the workplace horseshit doesn't stop there.
These days, employers prefer to hire younger over older workers. Older workers have experience, but younger workers cost less. Hence older workers are ignored. If your over forty, you'll have a devil of a time trying to gain meaningful employment. Over fifty, forget it. Workers 50 and over are just plain out of luck. They're not wanted. Age discrimination is against the law, but our laws are designed to serve the purposes of the rich, not help the plight of the worker. All that experience of older workers, is cast adrift. Sacrificed on the altar of profits. Experience should count for something, but in our Judeo-Capitalist cesspool we call a society, only money counts. Profit is everything. Nothing else matters in the least. All our older workers get the shaft. Is this right, that people who have worked hard all their lives, get outsourced, or replaced by technology, and end up getting the royal screw job.
Race is even worse for the work place. Blacks get away with murder. They HAVE to be hired, or an employer faces discrimination charges. You cannot get rid of them, lest you be accused of racism. So a black worker can show up with alcohol on the breath at 8 in the morning, I speak from experience, starting the day drunk, and there is NOTHING the employer can do to get rid of an obviously unacceptable worker. How in the hell is this racism? Is it right, or just, to let a drunk employee work? Think of the company image to customers. Far more, think of the safety issues on dangerous jobs. Yet our govt refuses to let non whites be fired, even for blatant cause. This is not right. It is absolutely not just. Yet our system enables bad workers to continue to hold jobs and collect paychecks they have no business collecting.

The most blatant racial influence, is the hiring of black women as bosses. I have seen very few worthy of hire. Yet black women are hired to head depts., because now it is considered racist to have a white male head up anything. Black know nothing, lazy women get dept. head jobs solely because they are black. Whatever happened to qualifications. They were done away with in the name of so called racial fairness. Is this really fair. Hiring someone because of their race and sex, over far more qualified applicants. Yet, this is what our system has come to. There is NO racial justice for a white male in America anymore. Its all liberal nonsense. Hire someone totally unfit, who'll play on her computer all day long, not doing her job at all, while a perfectly qualified candidate is ignored, all to correct racial injustices of centuries ago. This to me anyway is total madness.

Is it any wonder America is like a third world nation these days. Nothing works right. Look at who is in charge, and especially why. As the saying goes "garbage in, garbage out". Hire garbage leaders/bosses, and you get management mess. Bad management, ends up destroying companies, just as surely if you dropped a bomb on them.
Its long past time racial justice returned to America. No more nonsense. Whites have rights to. At least we should have. Donate to the ANP. It is fighting for racial justice for the group in America that has none. The white Aryan. We've been muscled aside. Made fools and slaves of. The 1% sacrifice us on the altar of profit. Leaving us with little in the way of decent jobs. Non whites walk rough shod over American companies, as our own govt, supports them, and gives white Aryans the back of the hand. ANP wants to bring a National Socialist govt to power. A system devoted to preservation and advancement of the race. A system promoting race is NOT wrong. Its taking care of one's own, and that is never wrong. Help ANP. Not just with money, but giving out lit. Just a little help, can mean much in the scheme of things. We white Aryans are just doormats for non whites, and idiot white liberals. Time we defended ourselves, and helped ourselves. Help ANP, so it can help us. Unless we act, soon we'll lose everything. Look at your neighborhood. Your home. Your grocery. Many non white faces. Fewer and fewer white faces. So it goes. Do something NOW, while there is yet still time.

Thursday, June 25, 2015


This society has lost the cohesion, that made it great. Instead of working together, people are out for themselves. Life is valueless. People are mere things to manipulate. Once proud peoples now fight over the scraps from the tables of the super rich. Aryans were once proud warriors. Now they cower in fear lest they lose their jobs and starve. Plutocracy rules the land. Cruel plutocrats run the show, treating their fellows like dirt beneath their feet.
In our Judeo-Capitalist system, no skill means no big money. No money means no chance at a decent life. If you can't make the bucks, you starve, and end up homeless. Our society doesn't care about the poor. far from it. Instead of help, the poor are treated with contempt. Our rich ruling elite feels that if you're poor, you must be lazy. They want to eliminate all social programs, because in their eyes, people must only help themselves. It doesn't occur to them, that people can get sick, since they can afford any and all medical treatments. It doesn't occur to them, that people have lost jobs, because the greedy rich outsource jobs overseas, to make a miserly few extra bucks. Better to shaft workers, then pay them anything like a decent wage. Many workers have had to "giveback" benefits they won previously. Especially unions. There is a Capitalist war against unions going on. The goal is to bust the unions. Employers now threaten to outsource jobs unless workers give up hard won gains like dental and vision insurance.
Less money inevitably results in less dignity, as workers are increasingly forced to scramble to make a decent living. Workers should be treated with dignity, but American workers are treated with total contempt. No money results in workers being treated like dirt forced to surrender at every turn by a Capitalist dominated govt and system. No paychecks mean US workers have no value in a money dominated economy and society.
We Americans are no good. We treat each other like garbage. It's now get the other person before he/she gets you. Is this really how human civilization should be? We're still stuck in an economic system around since ancient times. Screw the other guy.
If asked for help in getting an acquaintance a job, do you? Or do you yeah them and blow them off. Do you only worry that your job may be affected? Is it too much trouble to help others? If you answered yes, to these questions, your part of the problem. Your helping to perpetuate the cruelty of Capitalism. Evil doesn't have to be great. It can be small scale. Its refusing to help those who need/ask for help. If you blow off someone who asks for help, your just as much no good as any bank robber or burglar.
We need a new system of behavior. One that stresses cooperation. Unity. Duty. Honor. Loyalty. National Socialism is everything that Capitalism isn't. The previously mentioned are just some of the virtues it has. It values the race. Not money. People over profits. People can get ahead due to ability, but never due to dirty dealing. We need to change our perspective. Having money, doesn't make a good person. More like the opposite. We need our rulers to have pity. Right now we're ruled by the heartless. Unless we change things, we're doomed as a people. Our civilization will cease. Overrun by a sea of muds. Donate to the ANP. It wants to help bring SOCIAL JUSTICE back to white society. Workers should be treated fairly, not as some resource to use then throw away. If you want dignity, respect, and a decent wage as a worker, you won't get it thru Capitalism. You will thru National Socialism. Change over. Now. While there is still time. Before our kids end up slaves in a pseudo slave society. I want my kids to live in a human civilization. Not ruled by greedy monsters, or having to live/work with lazy/hostile non whites. We're Aryans damn it. We deserve decent treatment. Use to be we demanded it. We need to do so yet again. Now, before things get even worse for us.

Monday, June 22, 2015


We white Aryans have lost our edge. The sense of unity, togetherness, that made us strong, which in turn made us great.
Nowadays, nobody cares. Nobody tries. Nobody helps anybody else. I've worked many jobs in various careers. I've never seen anybody try to help their co-workers. People offer to help co-workers find jobs to better themselves, but its just worthless talk. There is absolutely no sincerity. All is just talk, no action. When you say you'll try and help, mean it. Don't waste everyone's time with worthless promises. In reality, no one bothers to help. We're too damn self centered these days. There is no caring. No striving to do a job right. No nothing.
Look at the US Post Office. Its a dumping ground for minorities. The old let's help poor little darky routine. So we give preferential status to non whites. What is the result. Crap service. Packages get lost, and no one cares. They just blow you off when you complain. In the old days, people did their best to help. Now, they could care less. Bad workers are virtually impossible to get rid of thanks to anti discrimination laws, so non whites don't care. They know they don't have to. Hence the Post Office gives bad service.
Various servers give bad service also. If you lose your service, and call in, they treat you like an idiot. That its all in your mind. or, that you are stupid, because you aren't some computer genius and solve your own problem. Like everyone should be able to be their own system analyst. Hence we get bad service, and no one wants to help. The attitude is pay us, but don't bother us about problems. Back in the day, people strove to do their very best, and were only too glad to help solve problems.
How do you do with your cable service? Get help when you need it? Are they polite, or surly? I get treated like dirt. This makes me especially mad as I'm paying for it. Unfortunately, we're stuck with cable monopolies, in which case the companies need not care. They know they're the only show in town. Call with a problem, and your ignored. Blown off, like you're some kind of freak. The service people they do send, are terrible. You know that they got their job because they're non white, certainly not for their knowledge and know how. Why should I, and the rest of the whites in this country be forced to accept bad service, to help non whites. Especially when they don't deserve it. When a non white service rep shows up to fix something in my home, at 8 in the morning, with liquor on his breath, something is very wrong with this country. This never, ever happened in my parents time, or before them. Now, we're forced to put up with it. A non white is never a bad worker in liberal eyes. They're oppressed, and we whites must put up with their crap.
I have tried in the past to check the news on line. For example, YAHOO. Its free. Only good thing about it. Ads choke you to death. Service is spotty. What happened to good service. Customer is always right. Etc. Call about problems, you get excuses. Passing the buck. Never THEIR responsibility.
The point I'm trying to make, is that we white Aryans in the USA, have come to accept meekly, poor service, and being treated shabbily. We just accept being slapped around, with no spark of resistance. What has happened to the Aryan spirit of defiance. Resistance. The refusal to knuckle under. We now accept bad service. Shoddy workmanship. A political system filled to the eyeballs with corruption. We white Aryans are now mere door mats, for the 1% to wipe their boots on. We cheerfully take it. We look like idiots, but we meekly accept. Now our inequality in this country is at 1820 standards. We just keep allowing it all.
Time to stand tall. As a white Aryan should. YOU alone can't fight the system, but together, we can. We must unite. Work together. Support the ANP. Only a national political party dedicated to restoring white rights and dignity can stop the terrible rot that is slowly killing us in this country. Donate to ANP. Give of your time to give out lit. Only by building a political party worthy of the name, can we hope to have a champion save us, and make things right. This country is fast becoming a third world nation. One where "service" is practically non existent. One that is choking to death on mediocrity. Permissiveness is turning our kids into primitive animals. A society where nothing is wrong. A moral cesspool. Fight the rot. Support the ANP. Save the future. If we don't act, we won't have a future, or we'll have one not worth having.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Our world vs. theirs

People oppose Nazism, because they believe the anti Nazi propaganda about it. That all Nazism is , is hate, and having a brutal dictatorship. The TRUTH is quite different. Rather then barbarism, Nazism is the last wall between primitive savagery and civilization. It is the enemies of Nazism that are primitive savages, who want to destroy all that ennobles mankind, that has been built thru the ages.
Nazism stands for classical art. Art created by brilliant masters. Art that resembles real life so well, you'd think you were looking at a photograph. Our enemies favor modern art. Crap on a canvas. Art that is suppose to make you think. How can you think of anything but that a painting is crap, when it doesn't even look like the artist tried to do anything, achieve anything. Just some daubs of paint on a canvas, with no real effort.
Nazism values classical music. Music created by masters. Truly masterful works of sound. Our enemies like gangsta rap. Music that promotes and glorifies criminal activity as "cool". Glorifying crime is never, ever, glorious. It is corrupting. It sets bad example and leads people from living decent lives. It is promoting lawless behavior to the detriment of society.
Nazism stands for family. In Nazi Germany, mothers of a certain number of children were actually given medals for their achievement. Family meant something. Stood for something. What makes human more then a mere animal. The building black of society/civilization. Our enemies are anti family. They push feminism. Being single. Same sex pairings. In other words, no to family. Just go it alone, like some animal in the wilderness. Just take care of yourself, alone. Since Judeo-Capitalism is at its core about selfishness, this is not at all surprising. Our enemies encourage selfishness, because they are. Something standing for love and sacrifice, like Nazism/family, just has to be rejected. A Nazi govt would do everything in its power to help promote family life. Tax breaks, govt programs, you name it. Our enemies promote no fault divorce. That marriage doesn't mean anything, and should be looked on as disposable.
Nazism values the race. All should be done in the name of, and for, the race. Unity. Comradeship. Family. The racial state, racial folk community. Our enemies stand for money. Self. Frankly they stand for nothing, as they believe in nothing except making a buck for their personal gratification. Is it any wonder that US society is corrupt, and aimless. A system that promotes selfishness as the be all, end all of existence, can not hope to have anything but chaos. people/society need lofty goals to rise above, and achieve. Self is a dead end, on the road to oblivion for a society that stand for nothing, values nothing.
Nazism stands for peace. Just because it was involved in war, doesn't mean it wanted war. Nazis today want peace. Desperately. We see war as the road to ruin. We hate the idea of fighting wars that need not be fought. Islam/Arab oppose us, because we side without question with their enemy Israel. We act like an enemy, so we're looked on and treated as an enemy. Nazism isn't against Israel. We don't care what it does. That's its own business. We care greatly that we have to help, even when it isn't in our interest to do so. We feel we need not make enemies where there is no need whatsoever to do so. Our enemies are total slaves to Jewish money. The Jewish lobby, and Israel. Hence we fight peoples we have no business fighting. War is big business now. The military-industrial complex. Sad to relate, the people in power make money off of conflict. War, and the fear of war. Hence we're now in conflict with Russia, and China. Anything to pump up military spending. We common folk are expected to pay the war bills, and give our BLOOD for cause that are really none of our concern. Just defending the homeland went by the boards long ago. Now its be afraid, fight. Make that buck for our corrupt masters, ZOG. Are you willing to DIE for our govt/Israel/ZOG? Is your life, blood, for sale, or just ready to obey orders? To fight and die for those who hold you in contempt. View you as just another way to make money.
Nazism stands for civilization. Manners. The genteel art of saying and doing things. That humans are, and should act like, something more then mere animals. Politeness is a hallmark of Nazism. Showing respect to elders. A true mark of the civilized. Our enemies stand for gross crudity. Shock jocks who are crude. Shock value of truly filthy language. Throughout the media. No more manners. They want the actions of the street. Dirty language. Disrespect to elders. Movies/TV promoting wanton sex and drug use. Is it any wonder that these days, third graders have mouths like army drill sergeants. People like Lenny Bruce, Howard Stern, always pushing the envelope as to what they can get away with. Sure polite society can be stuffy at times, but its a lot better then the alternative street culture of drinking/drugging/promiscuous sex. The street animal existence. Nazism looks on humanity as worthy of being better and promotes it to be so. Our enemies look on humans as just another species of animal, and condones all animalistic behavior.
Which side do YOU prefer? Nazism and civilization, or our enemies and their primitive street culture. How much to you want to have your kids talk like proper decent humans? As opposed to the anti Nazi opposition and their primitive street culture. In Nazism, things are right and wrong, black and white. In anti Nazi culture, in the Jewish way of thinking, there is no right or wrong, just gray. Nazism says, insists, there is right and wrong. Has to be. We refuse to accept living as little more then animals with tech. Choose your side carefully. The decision you make you live with for all time. If you choose us, the Nazis, support us. Help us, against them, and their corruption/evil. Donate money, and your time to give out lit. Help us promote civilization. Are you human, or just an upright ape as our enemies push. Take a stand. Hopefully with us. We need help desperately. Our enemies have wealth and power. We intend to match, and surpass them. Help us do so. Let us unite and work together to restore civilization, and bar the door to primitive evil savagery that our enemies are poisoning our country with. Think. Do you want your kids to be prim and proper humans, or ignorant primitive gutter trash. We want the former, help us achieve it.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Con Game

The US govt is now controlled by glorified con men. people who love to manipulate. Trick. They play us for suckers.
The latest con, is the good old military-industrial complex. The Dept of Defense, and defense industry, are constantly talking about how China is now such a threat. That it is a menace that we must be ready to battle with at a moments notice. They want us taxpayers to fund new tanks and planes. More and better guns. We must resist Chinese aggression. What aggression? China is laying claim to some islands in the South China sea. How is this any of the US's business?
Our war hawks forget to mention, just how and why China has been able to build up such a powerful military. Because the US has enabled it. China's military buildup has been and is being funded by the US. After all, we trade with them. They make money hand over fist by selling anything, and everything to us. Our trading with China has given it much money, that it has decide to use to build a strong and powerful military.
In turn, our hawks preach that we must prepare for war. They neglect to mention how much money the arms manufacturers will make by doing so. The military always wants its toys. That's why its important to keep the military under civilian control, or we'd have constant wars, so the military could constantly have great new weapons systems. Same old story. The merchants of death. Anything to create war or threat of war, and make a buck. Military industry think tanks constantly warn how we must prepare for combat. Thing is, who pays the think tanks. Academia is NOT free. It is enslaved to its paymasters, the military industrial complex. Hence it serves its role of warmongers, to scare the people, and make them fearful and ready to fight what in reality are non existent enemies.
This is our ZOG govt at work. Always trying to trick us. Play us for suckers. Use us to make a buck off of. Our rich ruling elite is Capitalist to the core. That means make money at any and all costs. The truth to them is irrelevant, if not an actual annoyance. Hence we constant war scares. We're told we have constant enemies, and are on the verge of attack.
Have you had enough of the bullshit? I sure have. A govt that feels its sole duty is to con its own citizens needs to be removed. I want a govt to govern me, not some criminal con gang. Govt is suppose to take care of its people, not dupe them into doing stupid, unnecessary things. Our prisons are full of people who tried to defraud. Yet our ruling system is rife with dishonesty, and it is ignored and allowed to go on.
National Socialism would never, could never, be like this. A National Socialist govt would be dedicated to its people, its race. It values its people, so it would never send them to fight useless, unnecessary wars. A NS govt would provide services to its people, not try and trick them, or rob them. Govt has a DUTY to its people to care for them, and protect them. Our Judeo-Capitalist system has no qualms about doing anything underhanded, as it has no conscience whatsoever. A govt of criminals, will behave criminally. Its just that simple. LOGIC. Why are we white Aryans supporting a govt system dedicated to our impoverishment and eventual destruction? Shouldn't we try and become free as we should be. Why take crap, and live with crap, and live under crap leadership.
We need a new govt system, NOW! Not later, now. If we wait, who knows what mess our rich ruling elite will get us into. We're already at war with Islam. What's next, war with Russia, war with China. War with fill in the blank. Support the ANP. It is striving for a National Socialist govt and system. Away with greed and manipulation. A govt and society dedicated to care of the race. Its our only hope. The major parties are totally corrupt. We need new now. Donate to ANP. Your champion and protector. Give of your time giving out lit. Help ANP help fight your cause. The white Aryan race. If we don't change things now, we'll no doubt end up in many major messes as ZOG strives to make a buck by intimidation/lies/skullduggery. We need govt. Not a con game run by con artist politicians.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Hostile to the Planet

Capitalism is a big LIE! It promises prosperity to everyone. The result in reality is truly terrible inequality. The US today has the same social/economic inequality it did in 1820.
Judeo-Capitalism is also very harmful to the environment. Our planet is hurt every day by Judeo-Capitalist machinations. It is no exaggeration to say, this planet is in grave danger of being destroyed, because of Capitalist greed.
Consider. First off, there is pollution. Capitalist manufacturers are basically very greedy. They are perfectly willing to let the planet be polluted, even unto death, just to be able to save money by not putting in anti pollution equipment on their factory smokestacks. They are quite content to let their industrial wastes run into rivers/streams/lakes etc, endangering drinking water supplies. What doesn't go into the actual bodies of waters, gets leached into the ground endangering underground aquifers. Look at the fracking controversy. Industry says its safe, but many homes have had their water catch fire because chemicals entered their wells, and aquifers. This shows the depravity of Capitalism. The need to make profits, even at the expense of the survival of the Capitalists themselves, and their families. Make money. No mater what. NO MATTER WHAT. Somehow the Capitalists, if they even think they're vulnerable, think they will magically escape the mess. They're heads are in the counting house, not the real world.
Animal species are being lost every blessed day. Loss of habitat, and just plain killing. Farmers clear land without regard to the consequences to animal populations. Look at the Amazon. It is being depleted for lumber, and to make grazing lands for cattle. Jungle land is usually too poor for farming as it doesn't have enough of the proper nutrients for farming/crop raising. Animal species, are being lost, never to be replaced, because of reckless greed. Jurassic Park the novel/movie, is fiction. There is no known way to resurrect lost animal populations. Once gone, they're gone. Yes, allowance as to be made for "progress" as people populations grow bigger, and the need to increase farming area also grows. Capitalism just takes, without regard to consequences. The most stark example of Capitalism harm to the environment, over money, is poaching. This is wholesale slaughter of animal herds/animals, just to make a buck.  Elephants are being destroyed solely so poachers can make a tidy profit selling their ivory, to make nice trinkets with. Same with rhinos. They are being destroyed, so daggers can be made of rhino horn, and the horn can be used as an aphrodisiac. Tiger, and bear parts are also being sold as folk medicine. Threatening both species with extinction, just so scumbags can make a profit selling animal parts to superstitious/ignorant peasants who happen to have a couple of those all sacred bucks.
Deforestation is to plants as hunting/poaching is to animals. Whole tracts of land are being cleared so farms and ranches can be established. The fact that many plant species are being lost is of no interest to the profit makers. To them its money/greed all the way. They are perfectly at ease with destroying every plant, down to a blade of grass, if it will enable them to make those all sacred bucks. Species of plant, that might help, are being lost for immediate profit, threatening the future,
Capitalism drains earth resources. Mining especially literally takes from the earth. The minerals may be valuable, but getting them destroys precious mother earth. Strip mining allows getting minerals easily, but leaves devastation in its wake. Acres of barren land. Sterile land. Nothing growing, or can grow. Trying to turn earth into a moonscape.
Capitalism is bad for the planet. How can it not be, when the sole motivation is greed. We need a new system, and now, while there is still a planet to save and live on. This isn't Star Trek, where we can just get into a space ship and move on to greener planets. We're stuck ere for many millennia. We need to care for planet earth. Isn't going to happen with Capitalism. National Socialism cares for the environment. It has a different core concern. Instead of greed, its race. Makes a world of difference in how things are perceived and practiced. The choice is starkly simple. Either we ditch Capitalism the destroyer of worlds and embrace eco friendly National Socialism, or we keep our current Capitalist system, and see our planet destroyed, and we along with it. The Earth is vast, but even it has its limits.

Monday, June 8, 2015


My father was of normal intelligence. Yet time and again, he'd let problems fester till they really got bad and expensive to fix. This, when timely early intervention would have saved much money, when a problem was still small.
I see this kind of attitude with the American white Aryans. Our people are waiting. Waiting for what I'm not really sure. God, Messiah, man on a white horse. Don't know. What I do know, is that by waiting, instead of acting, our people are cutting their own throats. By waiting, instead of resisting ZOG in the here and now, we are dooming ourselves to defeat. By supporting the ANP now, we white Aryans would be saving ourselves a lot of trouble later. We need to support the ANP now. Twenty years ago, whites were in a far better position, but whites chose to wait, and now we have a black president, and Hispanics are flooding our borders. If we had acted earlier, we could have stopped in its tracks job outsourcing overseas. Instead, white Aryans have chosen to wait. If we continue to wait, soon the situation will be irretrievable. White Aryans will be a minority in the USA. Decent pay jobs will all be outsourced, and no good jobs will be left. It will all be minimum wage, no benefit ones. If we wait, our leaders will drag us yet deeper into war. Constant war. We'll be little more then a salve warrior society, serving our masters in ZOG, like the Mamluks, and Janissaries did for their masters. The two mentioned were Christian slaves converted to Islam, and forced to fight their Muslim masters wars. Is this what YOU want? Our nation little more then a warrior slave nation enthralled to Israel. Its happening right now, as I write.
White Aryan. What in the hell are you waiting for? Why won't you support ANP. It is your one and only chance for white Aryan survival. Our civilization, our future depends on us helping the party of our cause. The major parties are just two factions of rich people struggling for wealth and power. The common white person doesn't matter a hill of beans to them. They will gladly let us die. They intend to let us whither on the vine. Our race die. Our civilization vanish. Timely help to ANP can give them the tools they need to save us. Or at least, defend us somewhat. I ask again, what in hell are you waiting for? The second coming of Christ. Space aliens. Santa Claus or the Easter bunny. There is no one, repeat, no one who will save us, except ourselves. We must help ANP now, while the situation is still manageable. If we continue to wait, we'll wait too long, till the situation is out of control, and unmanageable. White Aryan save yourself. Your children. Your grandchildren. STOP waiting. Do. Do now. The more we wait, the worse things will get. Don't be like my foolish father, and wait on taking care of a problem, till it becomes a major catastrophe. Jumping on a problem quickly is the surest way to keep it manageable.
ANP is OUR political party. The only one that cares about the race. US, white Aryans. Helping them now, lets them help us now. Not helping now, will result in a toilet bowl society becoming an ever greater one. Already, inequality in the USA is as bad as it was in 1820. Do we really want to wait and see how much worse it can get. Do we really want to wait, and see if we can end up like the Roman Empire, where 1 out of every 3 people was a slave. Our Congress is already like the ancient Roman Senate, an elite body, that cares nothing for the common person. Do we really want to wait and see how much worse, how much more elitist it can get.
Support the ANP. There is yet time. Lets head off catastrophe now, not wait for it to come. National Socialism, is the only hope we have. White Aryans are under siege. Unless we unite, and resist, we will be destroyed. Act now, not later. NOW! Too much is riding on us, for us to just sit back and wait, and wonder. Action is the key. Help ANP, while it can still help us now. Tomorrow is too late. Now.

Friday, June 5, 2015

The real threat

Remember the Communist threat? That Judeo-Capitalist propaganda piece, that made it sound like Communism was about to take over any minute. Turned out that Communism was really quite weak. Our gross politicians used the FEAR, to make everybody toe the line, and back the Capitalist system, or be called traitor. It was either support the system, or be punished as an enemy of it. Who really is the ENEMY?
Our intelligence people knew the Communist states were way behind in technology. Our politicians ignored the truth, and used it to scare us into obedience. Our country fought in Korea, and Vietnam, for nothing. Hell, we're even outsourcing tech and factories to Vietnam now.
The REAL enemy is, and has always been, Judeo-Capitalism. All the terrible things that were suppose to happen to us if we went Communist has happened under Judeo-Capitalism.
People have lost, and continue to lose their homes. There are quite a number of homeless in this country. Homeless, as in absolutely no shelter, or place to call your own. People have taken to living under highway overpasses for shelter. Hell, even the cavemen lived in caves. People were given what seemed like easy mortgages, only to find out they couldn't really afford them. The purveyors of such mortgages, were out for commissions, and didn't care who they conned into buying. No money, no house. Out they go into the street. All the while, our rich ruling elite just sits back and watches. Unconcerned, uncaring. Disgraceful. How these creatures can sit on their hands, and watch people, families, scrounge for shelter is beyond me. They aren't human. All they care about is money, and self, the hallmarks of Judeo-Capitalism.
People have had, and continue to have their savings wiped out. We hear our so called economic experts whine and cry about how people in the US don't save enough. Don't save enough! How the hell can we? Wages are stagnant. It takes every dollar for the vast majority to be able to survive. Who has excess to put away in a bank to collect a measly 5% interest which is taxed by the govt. Prices keep rising. Wages are staying the same. Even those who had/have money in pensions, and 401K's are losing out. Wall Street greed brought on the Great Recession. Millions lost out. Many lost all. Savings. Good luck with that. Our corporate types are always fighting raising the minimum wage. A wage that barely keeps you from starving, much less gives you money to sock away.
Our wage level in the US is abysmal. The vast majority of the American people toil for very low money. Semi slave wages. The wage situation in the US is terrible. Wages are stagnant. Our employers don't want to pay, pure and simple. Our rich ruling elite wants to have pseudo slavery. Have people work at ridiculously low wages. Wages, if you can call them that, at a very low level. Not satisfied with low wages, our rulers want to make sure wages stay low. Unions are being destroyed. No union, means no bargaining power, and workers at the mercy, or more like lack of, of employers. Hell, many employers are pushing for give backs. Economic blackmail. Give back your raise/vision/dental, or we'll close the place. This from people swimming in money. This is why our rulers want illegal immigration. A low wage workforce at near slave wage conditions. A workforce too scared to speak out. Ready made slaves. All the wars to supposedly protect Americans. All the labor/union conflicts, and this is where the American worker ends up. Poor. Low pay. Long hours. This is the freedom Americans now have. The freedom to be poor, and  if not starving, then malnourished.
Communism was cursed as a dictatorship, where people had no say. What the hell is this country? We common people have absolutely no say in anything. Know the old saying " Write your congressman". Why. He won't answer. Only the wealthy who give massive campaign contributions get heard. If your poor, or even just middle class, no money, means no help or being heard. Our rulers are rich. Congress is a millionaires club. The rich only respect the rich. Hence those of us not in the 1% are ignored. We get played on election day, but forgotten immediately after. Democracy in this country is a joke. Just the rich manipulating the non rich, to get their way. Our votes don't matter. This is just as much a dictatorship as Stalinist Russia was. We're ruled by an uncaring rich elite, who only care about personal wealth and power. The hell with all else. Especially the people. We're merely an obstacle to overcome, until next election time. Look at how our country is being constantly plunged into war, against our wishes, for dubious causes and reasons. The Jewish lobby, its money, gets it results. No matter what the majority think or want.Votes are just smoke and mirrors. Even though it causes us common folk much suffering, jobs continue to be outsourced. Our needs are ignored. Our lives and kids futures are trampled on by the money worshipers. Where is the will of the people in all this. Manipulated, and rendered worthless.
Help support ANP. Donate, so something can at least start to be done to resist the corruption of this society, and Judeo-Capitalist regime. It is the real enemy, and we better start resisting, or we'll all end up in dire poverty, barely eking out a miserable existence to survive. We white Aryans deserve so much more, and so far we keep getting so much less. National Socialism is out ONLY way out. Support it, and live. Ignore how things are, and face a slow agonizing death of our civilization.

Monday, June 1, 2015


Unfortunately, everyone thinks Judeo-Capitalism brings with it a wonderful lifestyle. The truth is there are great costs associated with a Capitalistic society.
With the Vietnam war going on in the 1960's, war became something terrible. Instead of G I Joe action figures, toymakers tried to push on kids peacenik toys like Peter Peace, and Egbert Ecology. Well it didn't stick. It couldn't. With the current war galore situation our country is in, toys that promote war are back with a vengeance. After all, ZOG needs many soldiers, to fight its many wars. Hence the psychological conditioning, that war toys provide. The US basically handles the defense needs of Europe, and Japan. They have liberal welfare systems. Cradle to grave care. Once warrior nations like Germany, and Japan, are now just placid cows, grazing off US aid. The US foots the bill for the defense of Europe and Japan, so their populations have easy comfortable lives, courtesy of the US taxpayer. This keeps these societies complacent, and pliable. In other words, US stooges. This is dollar colonialism. Just give up your national dignity and identity, and you too can have a great welfare state while the USA takes care of all your defense burdens. This is to eliminate potential rival nations, NOT altruism. The US stays warrior, while Europe and Japan stay as sheeple nations. This is a perfect example of nations selling their "souls" for monetary gain. The hallmark of Judeo-Capitalism. Germany is now the premier kiss ass nation. With monuments everywhere apologizing to this group, or that.
After World War Two, the world got presented to it, the Jew as victim propaganda. Then when Israel independence was proclaimed in 1948, we got the Israeli as hero, to go with it. This crap is still going strong, today. The Jews are NOT victims. They are controllers. Their money talks. When is the Jewish lobby ever turned down, or denied. Israel is NOT a land of heroes. Far from it. They are extremely brutal oppressors. Just ask any Palestinian about how wonderful the Israelis are.
In the US, as recently as the 1950's, we had racial segregation. Now we have race mixing. Somehow, liberals feel that race mixing will bring about a better world. Of course, as long as THEY don't have to do it. We have an example of race mixing, in the mestizos of Latin America. Hasn't worked very well, considering the immense poverty and inequality there. Yet, liberals never learn, and want the USA to race mix. Guess they want us to join with Latin America as hell holes of poverty.
Remember manners. The polite, civilized ways of doing things, and social interaction. They've just about disappeared from our society. People today are rude, and demanding. This is the way of the ghetto, not European civilization. This is just one of the many side effects of race mixing. Going to the lowest common denominator. Our ancestors raised themselves, and us, up from barbarism. We have returned ourselves to such. Our people today prefer the primitive to the civilized. We are now an animal society. Animal behavior is the norm now. Sex use to be a sacred act between a man and woman, resulting in the blessing of having a child. Now, children are merely the byproduct of sex. I'm no prude, but enough is enough. I've heard 3rd graders with mouths like army drill sergeants. This is flat out wrong. This should not be allowed, but liberals just prattle on about freedom of speech. So very sad. Look at TV today. Movies and TV shows all have to have the obligatory sex//nudity scene, like watching a soft core porn flick.
Women have been brain washed. Before the publication of the book "The Feminine Mystique" by the Jewesses Betty Friedan, a divorced housewife, and Gloria Steinem, a lesbian, women accepted their role as mother and homemaker. Now, the new wisdom for women is to NOT have children at all. Not even have a husband. To go it totally alone. To be married strictly to a career. Needless to say, this is totally anti family. The key building block to any society, is now in disrepute. Any wonder we have so many screwed up people these days. When basic human emotions and behavior are now out of favor, expect a society with massive problems, manifested by massive drug and alcohol problems.
The new liberation cause, after civil rights for blacks, and feminism for women, is gay/lesbian rights/liberation. We're told this is natural. Where in nature do animals practice homosexuality? If this is natural, why is it predominately a white phenomena? Black and Hispanic communities consider it bad, and there is very little among them. Morality aside, this is again, family destroying. Same sex couples don't breed. Hence no new generations. If this keeps going, humans will die out, as no new generations will be around to take over. This should not be forced on other societies/nations who don't want it. Yet our govt has taken upon itself to push for gay/lesbian rights. Angering societies we should be at peace with. Liberals don't believe in taking no for an answer. I personally don't care about what goes on in the bedroom, but I worry about children adopted by same sex couples, as having no "balance". Sex roles are incredibly important to humans. It has been proved in psych studies, that children can NOT be raised with out sex roles, without a LOT of psychological damage.
Too many changes, in our society. All for the worse. National Socialism has a set of values. Yeah it may seem cornball, but they work, and foster a normal healthy society. Duty/honor/family. These are proven winners. Change or eliminate them, and you invite a psychologically wounded population that goes into depression, and madness.
If you are OK with our societies changes, goodbye and good luck. If you are angry about them, then do something. Support the ANP. It is NOT trying to turn the clock back to some mythological paradise. Its just trying to keep things together. Keep society strong/ healthy/normal. Keep our society civilized, and not be mired in the ghetto mentality. I think street back culture is bad, and to be resisted. If you don't mind your kid having a dirty insolent mouth do nothing. If you want children to be raised as civilized white Aryans, then get cracking and send in your donations. Time is against us. The changes talked about above are soon to become permanent if nothing is done to stop it. Take a stand. Its a stark choice between civilization and barbarism, a healthy society, and a perverted one.