Thursday, April 30, 2015

The USA is in big trouble. Our media is constantly pushing how great the US is. Truth is, it has massive problems. It breaks my back, at how ZOG is constantly nagging other countries/societies on how to live, when here is a mess.
Our Congress, the peoples representatives, are in reality a bunch of selfish politicians. They care about nothing but their own power and position. Congress is a millionaires club. They have nothing in common with the common people. If they truly cared, they'd make a sincere effort to reduce our horrendous debt. 17 trillion and counting. They're rich, and comfortable, so they do nothing. We're now the planets greatest debtor nation. Our future generations now owe a ton of debts, that will need to be repaid. At very great cost to our society/nation. Our defense establishment is stretched very thin. Yet instead of peace, our leaders give us constant war. A war against Islam, that need not be fought. All we need do for peace, is stop supporting Israel like its slave. We're so dominated by the Jews at home, and abroad, that how can any nation see us as anything but a Jewish flunky.
We have nothing but do nothing presidents. Our leaders don't lead. They make speeches, but upon election they sit back and do nothing. They just make meaningless gestures for the publicity. Nothing really concrete. So much could be done, but isn't, because there is no political will to do so. Too much trouble.
Education in this country is failing. First off, its becoming reserved for rich people. Its becoming impossible for people to afford college anymore. The loss of tax revenue, due to loss of decent pay jobs, has crippled education. Hobbling education is a fools errand. You guarantee disaster for your nation if you do. People who are blocked from moving up are bound to find illegal ways to do so, at society's great cost.
There are immense racial, and economic divides in the USA. This is not a united country by any stretch of the imagination. The rich rule. The common people have been shut out politically. Jobs that can feed families, are outsourced to China and elsewhere. All that's left are minimum wage, no benefit jobs. Jobs that guarantee wage stagnation, and social immobility. Jobs that don't allow a family to do anything but bare survival. Soon, not even that. Racial integration has succeeded in dumbing down whites. Everything has to be at the lowest common denominator. Black English is now taught as school curriculum. Pandering to the low, guarantees nobody will reach for the high. When will the liberals stop worrying about poor little darky. Never. They don't care about their race.
Notice, how there is no average American in politics. Congress is all rich people. The president is worth 3 million. Joe working man, is locked out of politics, because he can't afford to be in it. This guarantees rule by the rich. Plutocracy. Not a good thing for the non rich. Even job holders are rich in US govt. Kerry, Secretary of State, is wealthy. What happened to the common man being able to take part in govt. He/she got priced out of that to. Add in racial quotas, where jobs are basically reserved for non whites, by law, and white Aryans are powerless in their own country. Once white Aryans are a minority, they'll really feel the squeeze. Govt will be oppressive, as will society be as a whole.
We're facing the prospect of oligarchy in this country. Rule by a group. In this case, the rich. Even more, we're facing the distinct possibility of dynastic politics. Rule by a handful of politically prominent families. When govt becomes a strictly family affair, look out. Things are guaranteed to be dismal for the politically on the outs common folk.
The cancer of Judeo-Capitalist control thru ZOG is politically and economically killing us. White Aryans face a dismal future is a closed off rich run society. Only a different political system will save us. National Socialism has a different emphasis. Race, not money. This will make a big difference, as the goals of our society will be different then present. People, the race, will MATTER. A lot. They will be the be all/end all of our govt policy. No imperialist wars. No nag foreign policy. Opportunities
for our people to be able to advance themselves. The return of the common person back to politics. We must support the ANP, as it works to bring fundamental change back to US politics. As in sports, so politics. To have any chance of doing it right, you need to know the fundamentals. Our current system keeps dropping the ball. Time to change the team. NS is national/societal teamwork in its most simple form. Working together, on a truly even playing field. A privileged elite ruling never results in a happy land. Let's help OUR team, the ANP, and score for the good of our race.

Monday, April 27, 2015

The shrinking middle class

The USA middle class is shrinking. Yes, that's right. The very backbone of the USA is shrinking, if not out right dying off. Too much pressure is crushing it to death. Instead of the old Horatio Alger, work your way up to success, and fortune, we now have economic stagnation.
Now we common people in America are facing economic stagnation. Now we have dynastic wealth. Wealth is more and more impossible to earn. To be wealthy, you must be BORN wealthy. The USA is fast becoming a total plutocracy. (Rule by the rich) Our votes in elections mean nothing, as the rich buy loyalty. The behind the scenes puppet masters. Things get done because people are secretly bribed to do them. Public service, is now just a cruel joke.
Some facts. In the USA, the average median income has DROPPED by 4%. The "average" college tuition is now at least $26,000. The USA now ranks 19th in retirement benefits/savings. Housing is only at 67.6%
The system isn't collapsing, but things are getting harder each and every day for the common folk. Why is the middle class declining? Very simple. We live in a PREDATORY economic system. Judeo-Capitalism believes in economic "kill or be killed". Capitalism takes no prisoners. Its get the other guy before he gets you. Hence, the rich ruling elite of this country have outsourced decent pay jobs overseas. Leaving minimum wage, no benefit jobs here at home. The economic misery this results in doesn't faze our rulers one bit. When all you love, is money, nothing else matters. Nothing. Certainly not the middle class or especially the poor. The rich only care about their fellow rich. Because white Aryans are a feisty bunch, the rich ruling elite are letting illegal Hispanic immigrants pour thru the border. They say they oppose it, but in reality they are overjoyed about it. They want a cheap scab work force to pay slave wages to. Illegal immigration fits the bill. A slave work force that can replace troublesome Aryans, with pliant Hispanics. For good measure, we have civil rights laws guaranteeing blacks employment by law. They must be hired. They cannot in reality be fired, lest that be racism. Our federal govt is especially black workforce. Blacks aren't fools. They've taken the ball and run with it. When your given a job for life, wouldn't you.
As jobs become ever scarcer, our govt insists on cutting back any and all social programs. Its philosophy is that people should care for themselves without govt intervention of any kind, no matter how great their need. Add to this, the fact that ZOG insists on battling Islam worldwide, at great cost to the economy, is it any wonder the money for the people's welfare is drying up. Without govt aid, expenses become a MAJOR burden for people. Big buck expenses like health, and college. These swallow up funds, and prevent the ability to save. Wages are stagnating. Prices rise, but wages aren't. People are falling behind, if not out of the middle class entirely. In a society that glorifies greed, can we really be surprised that employers don't pay to pay living wages, much less decent ones.
How about YOU. Are you at all worried about your economic standing/well being? You should be you know. There is no safety net in this society. No guarantees. Middle class today, poor tomorrow. Its happened, and will happen in Capitalism.
National Socialism can, and will, guarantee you a decent existence. You as an Aryan deserve dignity. Deserve to live as a human being, not like an animal. NS will take care of you. Be there when you need help, not castigate you if you fall on hard times. NS won't outsource jobs. It will guarantee a living wage. It will take care of medical and education needs. The race is all important, so that is where the money will go. There will be no insane crusades against Islam for the sake of Israel and the Jews. Peace, not war. Especially meaningless preventable wars.
The ANP is the racial protector. It is also wants to be guardian of your economic well being. You won't be allowed to be poor. No Aryan will have to live in poverty and filth. Support ANP with money and your time giving out lit. Your help to the party will be helping yourself, and your family. Don't let the fat cats make a slave of you. A beggar. You are Aryan. You deserve dignity and respect. ANP will give it to you. The major parties are content to see you stripped of it.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Europe emerging

After a sleep of 60 or so years, Europe is trying to re-discover itself. The catalyst for this, is Europe being overrun with Muslims. As of 2014, there are approx. 13 million Muslims in The EU. Left unchecked, by 2030 the Muslim population of Europe will be 8%. These are VERY conservative figures. No doubt they will be very much higher. Islam is a religion. There are European Muslims, mostly in Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo. In other words there are white Muslims. Its the non white ones that are the big worry. The Europeans are just starting to see the danger. That they will be overwhelmed in their own countries. They are starting to organize POLITICALLY, to deal with the threat. They are finally just starting to move away from their bland and meaningless democracies. They are just now starting to see, that their Judeo-Capitalist democracies will do nothing to save them. More likely do everything to screw them. For example, Merkel's Germany is working on 10 different memorials, to 10 different groups supposedly harmed by Nazi Germany. Germany has gone from warrior nation to a collection of kiss asses. Germans see this, and realize, such a govt will hardly be able to keep foreign hoards away, and that they will be undone. Its logic. Why stay loyal, to a system quite content to let you be destroyed. The Europeans still need to go  some distance, before they truly take on the true enemy, the Jews, but the seeds of resistance are being planted as of this writing. Hopefully Europe will again find its identity, and backbone. There is hope. The sight of white pride signs at European rallies is a good omen. Unfortunately, European civilization is old, and very tired. Two world wars will do that to you. Europe can only do so much. It can still be diverted by ZOG into messes like the Ukraine nonsense, and wrong wars like against the Islamists.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the USA is floundering. Leadership here is truly atrocious. Obama is a total idiot, and totally empty suit. Under his so called "leadership", our country flounders. Battling enemies who shouldn't be enemies except for ZOG manipulation. Our govt sits on its hands, as more and more non whites enter our country. Threatening to engulf us in a brown tide. Liberal whites are unconcerned as they think all will be well under a non white govt. FOOLS! Things will be very bad for whites. Non whites do NOT love whites in any way/shape/form. They HATE us. They will do anything, and everything to despoil us. Look at Rhodesia, and South Africa. White minorities are harassed, and stripped of all their wealth. Black govt could care less. They instead encourage it. So shall it be here in the USA. Besides, this is the superpower, where the world's greatest collection of wealth and power still resides. Not for long, but for now. Look at the candidates who have so far declared for running for president. Rich Clinton, worth 50 million dollars at least, is "championing" the worker. What a sick joke. Two candidates are Hispanics, a foretaste of what is to come. Our black president has been such a failure, what can possibly be good about a Hispanic president.
We white Aryans of the USA, must unite. WE need to concentrate on the threat at hand. NOT Islam, but the brown waves coming upon our shores, guaranteeing to turn us into yet another Latin American country, with all that that entails. We can see it now. The terrible economic inequality that is growing by leaps and bounds, day by day. Latin America has historically been a land of rich few ruling poor many. Will a majority Hispanic USA be any different. I sincerely doubt it. Either we get down to it, and support the ANP with our donations, and time for lit distribution, or we need to start learning Spanish, our soon to be new national language. The ANP is the ONLY political party out there for white people. The two major parties don't give a crap what happens to US, as long as THEY get wealth and power. Europe has true national health insurance. They pay 25-50% in taxes, but they get govt help. We pay less taxes, but get far less from our govt. What little money our govt has from not warring against Islam, it pisses away to help the big health insurance companies make profits, at the captive audience little guy's expense. Our govt feels its just an adjunct to business to help it make profits.
Enough with the crap. WE need governance, not garbage. A party dedicated to white interests, not Capitalist greed and skullduggery. Support the ANP. A political party of the people is possible. Europe is doing it. Now its our turn. The battle must be won here. This is the key battleground for white survival. If we fail, we might as well unite with Mexico and be ruled from there directly, because we'll soon be ruled Hispanic style here in what was once a white homeland. Unless things change, and soon, we'll all need sombreros and serapes in the very near future.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Those who died for their race.

We forget far too easily those who have died for their race. Think about it. All those living, breathing men, who died in wars for the sake of their race. The ultimate sacrifice. Yet, these days, the ANP struggles just to get supporters to pay their $10 a month on time. Quite a change.
The soldiers of the Confederate States of America, fought, and died for a white man's nation. Whites were in charge, and men fought, and died to keep it that way. I truly marvel, that there was such belief in the cause of the white race, that men gladly made the supreme sacrifice. Unfortunately, the Confederacy was defeated, and starting with the nineteen sixties, things have gone to racial hell in the USA. Now we even have a black president, who is an idiot, and moral coward. So much for the great civil rights crusade. How the heroes who died for the Confederacy must be turning over in their graves. Their sacrifice gone for naught.
So to the fate of National Socialist Germany. They also gave full measure. The soldiers of Nazi Germany fought in hellish conditions. Endured the particular hell of Stalingrad. Suffered unspeakably on the Eastern front, enduring bitter cold and hunger, to keep Germany free from Judeo-Capitalist control, as well as that of Communism. They fought long and hard. Unfortunately, their sacrifice to, has gone for naught. National Socialist Germany lost its war. In doing so, it lost its independence, its identity, and its soul. Now Germany is a slave to the Jews, jumping at their commands. Germany has gone from warrior nation, to the worlds greatest collection of kiss asses. What a terrible tragedy. The Jews have no mercy. Anything the least bit Aryan has been trampled into the dust. For example, Hitler's bunker is now under a parking lot, with nothing about him anywhere at all.
Europe is getting slightly better about racial identity. but here in the USA, its a toilet bowl of race mixing, and non whites ruling over white Aryans. Here in the USA, we have given non whites pride of place. We whites have placed non whites above ourselves, so much so, that we have actually enshrined it into law. Our civil rights laws have established racial quotas, that make it mandatory for jobs to go to non whites, and make it virtually impossible to fire a non white, no matter how bad the job performance. Who really is the discriminated against race in the USA?
Fellow Aryans. Think. Think hard about the sacrifices that have been made in the past for the cause of the white Aryan race. Struggles where the cost of defeat, was higher, then the cost of war. We white Aryans in the USA, still have some chance to save ourselves. In the cases above, defeat forced the above to accept the rule, and rules of the conquerors. What about here. What is our excuse. White Aryans in the USA, have let non whites run roughshod over them. We have surrendered without a fight. We kiss the feet of creatures who are NOT our equals, much less our superiors. How can we let this have happened?
White Aryans. Resist. Resist in the only way we have open to us. Help support YOUR cause. Think of those in the past who DIED for their race. All you need do is become a supporter of the ANP. Give your money now, so you won't have to give your blood down the line. Isn't your race a cause you want to sacrifice for? In the past, many died for their white race. Become a supporter. Give on time. Be loyal. Steadfast. Our rich ruling elite, can afford to be liberal, because they're rich, and can live behind tall walls behind their mansions. We common folk have no such escape. As if things weren't bad enough, we are currently undergoing a Hispanic invasion. Already some states are no longer white majority. Hispanics are the majority now, even in towns in the rural south, that you never found Hispanics before. If we don't do something, we will be lost. Especially our children and grandchildren. Help the ANP defend your rights. You existence. Is $10 a month really that big a sacrifice, compared to those in the past who actually died for their race. We white Aryans better get our act together, because we're running out of time. Either we start supporting the only political party willing to defend us, or we die as a race in the US. Those in the past didn't hesitate. Don't you. Become a supporter. STAY a supporter. Our enemies have made clear they will show us NO mercy whatsoever. Resist as befits Aryans. Don't be herded like cattle to slaughter. Don't let our future generations suffer racial death. They deserve the beauty and comforts offered by a white Aryan world, not a non white sewer society.

Friday, April 17, 2015

First Post New Ohio ANP Blog

Sorry guys, but you cannot kill an idea whose time has come....  National-Socialism will never go away no mater how hard you try.