Monday, June 22, 2015


We white Aryans have lost our edge. The sense of unity, togetherness, that made us strong, which in turn made us great.
Nowadays, nobody cares. Nobody tries. Nobody helps anybody else. I've worked many jobs in various careers. I've never seen anybody try to help their co-workers. People offer to help co-workers find jobs to better themselves, but its just worthless talk. There is absolutely no sincerity. All is just talk, no action. When you say you'll try and help, mean it. Don't waste everyone's time with worthless promises. In reality, no one bothers to help. We're too damn self centered these days. There is no caring. No striving to do a job right. No nothing.
Look at the US Post Office. Its a dumping ground for minorities. The old let's help poor little darky routine. So we give preferential status to non whites. What is the result. Crap service. Packages get lost, and no one cares. They just blow you off when you complain. In the old days, people did their best to help. Now, they could care less. Bad workers are virtually impossible to get rid of thanks to anti discrimination laws, so non whites don't care. They know they don't have to. Hence the Post Office gives bad service.
Various servers give bad service also. If you lose your service, and call in, they treat you like an idiot. That its all in your mind. or, that you are stupid, because you aren't some computer genius and solve your own problem. Like everyone should be able to be their own system analyst. Hence we get bad service, and no one wants to help. The attitude is pay us, but don't bother us about problems. Back in the day, people strove to do their very best, and were only too glad to help solve problems.
How do you do with your cable service? Get help when you need it? Are they polite, or surly? I get treated like dirt. This makes me especially mad as I'm paying for it. Unfortunately, we're stuck with cable monopolies, in which case the companies need not care. They know they're the only show in town. Call with a problem, and your ignored. Blown off, like you're some kind of freak. The service people they do send, are terrible. You know that they got their job because they're non white, certainly not for their knowledge and know how. Why should I, and the rest of the whites in this country be forced to accept bad service, to help non whites. Especially when they don't deserve it. When a non white service rep shows up to fix something in my home, at 8 in the morning, with liquor on his breath, something is very wrong with this country. This never, ever happened in my parents time, or before them. Now, we're forced to put up with it. A non white is never a bad worker in liberal eyes. They're oppressed, and we whites must put up with their crap.
I have tried in the past to check the news on line. For example, YAHOO. Its free. Only good thing about it. Ads choke you to death. Service is spotty. What happened to good service. Customer is always right. Etc. Call about problems, you get excuses. Passing the buck. Never THEIR responsibility.
The point I'm trying to make, is that we white Aryans in the USA, have come to accept meekly, poor service, and being treated shabbily. We just accept being slapped around, with no spark of resistance. What has happened to the Aryan spirit of defiance. Resistance. The refusal to knuckle under. We now accept bad service. Shoddy workmanship. A political system filled to the eyeballs with corruption. We white Aryans are now mere door mats, for the 1% to wipe their boots on. We cheerfully take it. We look like idiots, but we meekly accept. Now our inequality in this country is at 1820 standards. We just keep allowing it all.
Time to stand tall. As a white Aryan should. YOU alone can't fight the system, but together, we can. We must unite. Work together. Support the ANP. Only a national political party dedicated to restoring white rights and dignity can stop the terrible rot that is slowly killing us in this country. Donate to ANP. Give of your time to give out lit. Only by building a political party worthy of the name, can we hope to have a champion save us, and make things right. This country is fast becoming a third world nation. One where "service" is practically non existent. One that is choking to death on mediocrity. Permissiveness is turning our kids into primitive animals. A society where nothing is wrong. A moral cesspool. Fight the rot. Support the ANP. Save the future. If we don't act, we won't have a future, or we'll have one not worth having.

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