Thursday, May 28, 2015

Like Tsarist Russia

Tsarist Russia fell due to World War One. Fact is, it was decaying massively for years. The Russian empire was locked into constant wars. Before World War One, there was the wholly unnecessary Russo-Japanese war, which Russia lost. Far worse, was the class chasm that existed. The classes weren't merely divided, they were separated by a huge chasm. Hence, Russian soldiers felt in World War One that they weren't fighting for their country, but for the upper classes/nobility, who thought of the lower classes as little more then animals. Imperial Russia was a land of immense social inequality. It was a feudal society, with modern trappings. Is it any wonder it fell. Its ruling class didn't care one iota about the common folk. Logic. You can't care about a group that doesn't give a rat's ass about you. Hence defeat and revolution.
Why am I talking about Tsarist Russia. Simple. I feel the United States is following their example. We are making the exact same mistakes that Tsarist Russia did. We have the same type problems. Yes, we have a president rather then a Tsar, but the other similarities are striking. First, like Tsarist Russia, the US is fighting constant wars. Even more so. Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq. With drone strikes in Somalia, Yemen and Libya. The US has some amount of soldiers posted in 130 countries on planet earth. The US is locked into constant combat. Either outright war, or special commando type strikes, or drone strikes. The bottom line is that there is no peace, just war. This cannot be good for our society. Every nation state in history that was constantly at war, ended up failing and falling into defeat and chaos. Contrary to what our rich ruling elite says, we are no different.
The US class division has become a chasm. We now have the 1% very rich, and the working class, and poor. The once vaunted American middle class, is shrinking. Weakened by outsourcing, union busting, and anti union legislation. A small middle class means that the rich get more political power, while the non rich get much less. This situation is as old as human civilization. You cannot avoid it, at least in a Judeo-Capitalist society.
The rich ruling elite hold the non rich in total contempt. It wants to do nothing for those beneath it. Our rich look down on the non rich as just worms who crawl the earth. They want to do nothing for us, even though they are fabulously wealthy. The rich ruling elite in this country, 1% or the population, controls 90% or this nations wealth. That is a staggering amount. They have no intention of sharing. To the rich elite mentality, if you're not rich like them, you must be lazy, and unmotivated. Like in Tsarist Russia, with the ruling class's contempt, would YOU fight hard for them, and risk your own death. Or, would you hate them, and refuse to fight or desert. Why serve, and risk life, for people who hate you, and refuse to do anything to help you. The rich ruling elite of the US, wants to ELIMINATE programs like Welfare, Social Security, college student loans, Medicare, Medicaid. In other words, no help to the lesser classes. All our rich elite want to do is feed the military industrial complex. Lots of money, as in profit, to be made there. Money over blood is our rich ruling elite's mindset.
If you find the above shocking, you should. It is terrible. It is a prescription for disaster. No nation in history has been able to survive, when the rulers, and the ruled are far apart as our society is getting. Study the Tsarist empire of around the year 1900. Read for yourself, how things were. Notice the similarities. We're getting uncomfortably close to being them. We must stop this transformation, if we common folk are to survive, and live decent lives. YOU must support the ANP. It is our only hope for salvation. Our white Aryan race is in great jeopardy. Unless and until we unite and support OUR racial party, we will continue to mutate into a heartless, rich controlled hell hole. Donate to ANP. Every dollar helps to fend off racial catastrophe. Give time to give out lit. The word must be spread, and with the media controlled by the enemy, printed materials are our only way. If we continue on our present course, it will spell disaster for our race. Our rulers worship money, and care not for us. Time for a political/economic system that will help the common white Aryan worker. No more outsourcing, union busting, getting the back of the hand from our govt. Enough licking the boot that kicks you. We need a govt of the people, common Aryan people, that will help and protect us. We sure don't have that at present.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Globalization Lies

Our rulers keep trying to convince us that globalization is good for us. That it has brought about universal prosperity. LIES. Globalization has been terrible for us, and the world. Consider. Globalization has brought about massive job loss in the USA. Our jobs have been outsourced elsewhere. China, Korea, Mexico, etc. This hasn't helped the common worker. Just the rich ruling elite factory owners. Overseas workers get paid slave wages. They are in effect, indirect union busters. Our rich set up factories in low wage countries. They close the factories here in the USA. Our workers go jobless, while overseas gets worked like the slaves they are. Our wages end up stagnant. They barely are able to survive. Only the rich make profits out of this situation. The US fought a war to keep South Korea "free". Free to steal our jobs. Would it really matter if Korea went Communist? Instead we fight a war and keep the South Capitalist. Which then takes our jobs, wages. The reward for our service personnel fighting and dying, is the massive loss of US jobs, and the impoverishment of US workers. What a waste of blood and treasure, all for nothing. Well not nothing, the enrichment of the already rich. I feel this is the real reason the US fought in Korea. Capitalist profit, NOT freedom for South Korea.
Globalization means trade, but is trade really good for us. Look at how Japan, and now China dump their goods on us. Where the hell is the fairness. Our leaders should put their foot down. They don't. Just a lot of noise. They are in cahoots with the overseas elites, and secretly support such dirty trade practices. Anything to make a buck.
Globalization is suppose to make things affordable. It doesn't. The Euro has made things more expensive in Europe. This is not my conjecture, but out of the mouths of Europeans I have met and talked to. Things become high priced, and unaffordable. Especially when jobs get outsourced overseas.
Has NAFTA really helped? As an example, the car makers have plants in China and Mexico. US auto plants are closed. Cheap goods made in near slave conditions, flood our markets, elbowing out US made goods. People in the third world make slave wages. Our workers can't, and won't  work like slave for peanuts. Our unions are being destroyed by unfair competition, and the outsourcing of jobs. Without unions, our workers are at the mercy, or more likely lack of, employers. US employers don't want to pay. Our rich ruling elite is extremely greedy. They want every single penny they can squeeze out of workers. So the US gets flooded by overseas goods, and our workers end up jobless, hopeless, helpless.
Don't be fooled by Wal-Mart and McDonalds etc. upping their pay. They've been embarrassed by the revelation that their workers have to apply for food stamps. US companies are full of tricks. They raise pay, then lay off workers. Dumping massive work increases on workers who are left. One worker ends up doing 6 different jobs. Basically what workers that are left, get literally worked to death. Under massive stress.
Notice how at first, all the medium size companies disappeared from the US landscape. Then the big companies, like the auto makers. This is no accident. Our rich ruling elite is after profits, and will go anywhere to acquire them. Even at the cost of their own people. Their greed is that bad.
Besides NAFTA, proposed by the great liberal Bill Clinton no less, our rulers want trade pacts with the EU, Asia, and South America. They say its to help promote peace, and help our economy. Bullshit. Its to help the rich ruling elite line their own pockets, at the expense of the average American worker.
Help stop the rape of the American work force. We workers deserve our dignity and a decent life. Not crap. The ANP is the only shield American labor has left. The unions are shriveled and dying. The major parties are un by rich people who don't give a crap about us.We workers are being squeezed out by cheap labor, at home, by illegal aliens, and abroad. Only National Socialism can bring true prosperity to the Aryans. Prosperity based on respect for labor, not its exploitation. Support the ANP. It wants to keep jobs here, not ship them overseas. It wants to concentrate on keeping the US workers employed, not jobless, as Capitalism does. Donate your money, and time. Help. The labor situation in America is terrible. The ZOG controlled media sings our economic praises, but its lies. Our workers are in trouble. ANP is our only hope of salvation.  It strives to save the race, not let it be destroyed. Our Judeo-Capitalist rulers basically hold us in utter contempt. Unite behind ANP, and lets show them we demand dignity and help. DEMAND. Enough talk. Action. Laws to protect us. Not give away the store, or especially, the country.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


What is wrong with us. Why do we keep doing what we're doing. We, the common people, continue to lick the boots of those who kick us. WHY? This is madness. Plus demeaning. Yet it goes on. Its been going on for a very long time. Shouldn't it stop.
In 1860, in the USA, South, only 1.6% of the population owned any slaves at all. This is a very small number of people. Unfortunately, they were rich and powerful. They were the society leaders. Hence when they asked the Southern people to fight a war to defend slavery, the people did as bidden. Frankly, this was madness. The North had far greater resources. But the South loyally followed it's leadership into war. They wanted to protect the white place in society, even if it was a very low one. In this case, only the rich mattered. The poor whites who fought for the rich, were manipulated, by people fabulously wealthy. To put it bluntly, they were conned. Fighting a hopeless war, so the rich could stay rich.
Fast forward, to 1939. A number of anti Capitalist movements had developed out of the general revulsion against Capitalism stemming from the Great Depression. Fascism/Nazism/Communism. All had an anti Capitalist bent. For the first time, various societies had developed other systems, besides unfettered Capitalism, to live by. For the first time in human history, something other then self centeredness, was possible to live and be governed by. We all know how such experiments fared. Fascism, and Nazism were destroyed by war. The rich ruling Judeo-Capitalist elite declared them enemy movements, and whipped their populations to a frenzy and fought war against the anti Capitalist forces, destroying them. So much for the war for "freedom". Which turns out to be the freedom to starve, and live on the edge of society. Judeo-Capitalism, wasn't about to permit any anti Capitalist system to exist anywhere on the planet. During the Cold war, the forces of Capitalism worked tirelessly to undermine Communism. Eventually Capitalism triumphed, and Communism imploded.
In all of the above cases, Judeo-Capitalist rich ruling elites convinced, or more like conned, their peoples into opposing forces that promised a ray of hope to countering Capitalism inequality. Hopes were shattered, and the inequality of Capitalism marched on relentlessly.
Now. The present. In the USA, at this time, 995 of the wealth of the USA, is in the hands of a mere 1% of the population. The US has at present 300 million people, so this comes to a staggering amount of wealth. Yet our rich ruling elite continues to give the back of the hand to its very own people. They want to give the common people nothing. They're fully comfortable to have our people jobless, and living under highway overpasses. capitalism has poor. A lot of them. It doesn't care. Its based on self, not others. Unlike the ism's mentioned above, Capitalism doesn't consider anything but self. Not the state/nation as in Fascism. Not the race as in Nazism. Not the class as in Communism. Just self. is it any wonder there is gross inequality inherent in Judeo-Capitalism.
Thing is, why do we, the common people, tolerate this system. Why do we willingly go along with it. Is it because of dreams of wealth. Eventually striking it rich. In the US, only the rich can get more rich. The common people are stuck. Wages are stagnating. How can US workers advance, or even hold their own, when jobs are continuously outsourced. US workers are being condemned to minimum wage jobs, with no benefits. Even these are not available, as the rich ruling elite, let's cheap illegal alien workers in to drive down wages. The result. A shrinking American middle class. The middle class has ALRADY shrunk by a third. It is continuing to decline. Do our leaders care. Not a whit.
No, our rich ruling elite, makes war against Islam. For 2 reasons. One, because Islamism is anti Capitalist. Islam opposes interest. Can you imagine how Jewish bankers take to that. Second, its a useful distraction. While we're at war, the people will fall in line and forget inequality at home. A side benefit, is that it helps Israel, which pleases greatly the Jewish lobby with their campaign contributions.
STOP! Stop being fools/lackeys/idiots. Time for we Americans to find our voice again. Stand up for ourselves. Stop being the rich and powerful patsy's. American pride has vanished. Time to revive it. The rich and powerful have had it all their own way thru history. Time for a change.
SUPPORT the ANP. It is your helper in opposing the dirty dealings of the rich and powerful. For us to keep taking it is moronic these days, when we have help available. Use it. Support ANP. Give your time to give out lit. We need to stop being puppets, and become what we are, white Aryans. A once great race. Time to be great again. Enough of blacks getting job preference for being black. While whites must sleep out in the open for lacks of jobs to be able to afford anything in life. Let's live as we should, not as we have to. Reject Judeo-Capitalism. Embrace National Socialism. Reject poverty. Embrace your Aryan race. No more, we the common people being USED by our ruling elite. Are we tools, or people. Enough is enough. Time for a change. Time for the white Aryan to re-establish there place in our society. Stop kissing the ass of the rich. Give it a kick instead. Support ANP, and end the tyranny of the rich forever. No more plutocracy. A National Socialist state for white Aryans. Freedom and plenty replacing poverty/corruption/deceit.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A failing future.

This country is slowly rotting away. It betrays its people every blessed minute. As of this writing, 1 out of every 5 millennials is in poverty. This is both a disgrace, and the death knell of our society. Milennials are people born around the year 2000. Known as generation Y. Imagine it. Out of 300 million people, one out of every five millennials is in poverty. This is a terrible betrayal of our future. Our upcoming generations are doomed to be poor. Is THIS what our country now stands for? Is this how a nation ought to be?
What are our leaders doing about it. Not a damn thing. Our asshole politicians are far too busy running for office to be bothered about the fate of the next generation. Our elections in this country, are little more then ego contests for the rich to parade around, and tell us common folk, just how great they are. How much more are we white Aryans going to take? I honestly don't know. I'm totally disgusted. To let your future generations be doomed to poverty, and not even try to ameliorate their fate, is truly criminal. Our leaders are suppose to lead, not sit on their asses, and parade for the news cameras. The rich ruling elite of this country don't give a tinkers dam about it. Otherwise they'd try and do something about it, rather then stand idly by as our future is lost. What the hell kind of country lets its people descend into poverty, without any attempt to thwart it. A hellish one. Satanism might as well be our state religion, because our leaders are corrupt fools. Ready and able to do anything to enhance their wealth and power. Leaders who care only about themselves and not their people are inherently evil. They have no business whatsoever in govt.
It takes true callousness to stand aside, and let a whole generation just disappear into the mire of poverty. A generation's hopes and ambitions are slowly dying, while our leaders play soldier, and protect their Judeo-Capitalist masters fortunes. Our armed forces are engaged in constant combat. We the common people want peace. Need peace. Yet we get constant war. Wars we have no business fighting. Islam shouldn't be our enemy, and if we'd only stop being a flunky of Israel, we wouldn't be. No, Jewish lobby money greases the wheels, and keeps us in combat. Look at how jobs are outsourced overseas. Our govt does nothing. Our govt, ZOG, takes that view that "free" trade is sacrosanct. Free trade my ass. The factories overseas pay slave wages. There is no competition, as they can undercut us totally. The workers are abused, while the greedy owners, make tons of money. Here in the USA, our precious decent pay jobs get outsourced, while we're stuck here with minimum wage, no benefit jobs. Our leaders gladly let illegals in, since they too are a cheap source of labor. Is it any wonder that our millennials are sinking into poverty. Facing a bleak no hope future. Is this proper governance, or more like the rule of some criminal gang. If we don't unite, and start demanding, not asking, demanding reform, we can kiss generation Y and all others after it goodbye. We'll end up a nation of poor, and unemployed/underemployed. Our leaders talk a good game, but that is what it is, talk. They don't care. The only group that does care, is the ANP. It cares. Deeply. It values the race, every member of it. It won't let generations of white Aryans sink into poverty. It believes in white rights, worker rights, individual rights. it is our one and only hope to save ourselves form becoming poor, and helpless. If we don't support them to push for our rights, we'll continue to lose everything. This system is corrupt and degenerate. This state of affairs will continue unless a stand is taken. Support the  ANP, so it can save our future generations. Our people deserve far more then to be mere cannon fodder for ZOG's wars. Are you willing to die to preserve a system that allows one in five of a future generation to be condemned to grinding poverty? We need a change in this country. Generation Y is slipping, the generations after that will be even worse off. We've got to make up our minds to stop our greedy govt from doing us even more harm. Support the ANP. Its our only hope. Our kids need and deserve decent futures. It shouldn't come down to a choice of living in poverty, or fighting in ZOG's army. There should be, and must be another way, more choices. Not less. Help us save the future. Right now its 1 in 5. It will soon change for the worse, for all future generations. Support. Resist. The future needs your help. Help. Much is at stake. Your own kids future.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

What is really important?

I  am truly amazed by this society. What it considers important and newsworthy. Lately, the big news story in the media has been Bruce Jenner's sex change operation. My God. As if this, is the only newsworthy thing happening on planet earth. Personally I don't give a damn about it. What I do care about deeply, is that it is able to dominate the media. There is a real disconnect between the ZOG controlled media, and the general populace. The media choose to make this story a major news event, and the masses go along, even though far greater stories are out there. To recap very briefly. Bruce Jenner is a runner, who is having a sex change operation. By age 66 he will become a female. The media is eating it up. My question is WHY? We have so many other, REAL issues to deal with. Maybe its offering people "candy" to distract them.
Let us review the state of planet earth at the moment.
First off, there are wars going on. The US is still battling Islam, worldwide. Seems the American people have forgotten this fact. The battlefield s are far away. The old saying, "out of sight, out of mind". Thing is, there need be NO wars, if our ZOG govt didn't exist, and the Jewish lobby not able to manipulate the American people as it does. Not supporting Israel, will get us peace with Islam. To keep our people from thinking about this too much, our rulers keep our attention elsewhere, hence the Jenner story being played up real big. This is madness. Following some guy getting a sex change, as more important then your nation in worldwide warfare. This country has definitely lost sight of what is truly important.
Next, is the economy. Thru time immemorial, the old ruling class trick is to divert people's attention elsewhere, so the rich can get richer, and the common folk sustain a miserable subsistence existence. Sure works here in this country. What Bruce Jenner is doing is a national media news event, while the economy stagnates. The rich ruling elite, gets richer and richer. The common folk are just getting by. Wages are stagnant. Employers don't want to pay. Decent pay jobs CONTINUE to be outsourced overseas. Leaving low pay, no benefit jobs here at home. Don't be FOOLED. The job creation here at home is crap. The jobs created, don't allow a person to support a family. What jobs there are here at home, are now being competed for between white Aryans, and the FLOOD of illegal immigrants coming into this country. Since they work very cheap, our rich rulers are only too glad to have illegal Hispanics come in. They believe in profit, not race/people.
Look at the mediocrity of the people running for office these days. Quality people are all but unknown to our political system. Either they are rich, or toadies of the rich. Quality people might have minds, and especially wills of their own. Best keep people focused on some guy's sex change operation, the better to foist upon an unperceiving nation, political shenanigans of the most base order. Politics in this country amounts to wholesale betrayal of the populace by the rich ruling elite that lords it over them. Our politicians are just flunkies to the rich. Congress is just a millionaires club. look at the great liberal champions. Clinton is worth 50 million dollars. Obama is worth 3 million. For all their talk, can any of us common folk really, realistically expect them to champion our issues. The ZOG media know this, hence they give us news pabulum to digest, while the rich's flunkies proceed to rape the nation of its wealth, and keep us locked in a state of perpetual war. This is political magic, keep everyone's attention misdirected, from what is truly important.
Family life is breaking down in America. Our divorce rate is 50%. People are foreswearing having children. Now we are starting to have same sex marriage. Children were once considered a blessing. Now they're considered just a byproduct of sex. Rather then have people discuss these trends, our rulers prefer we follow something else. Something that will distract, and keep the public eye from looking too closely. Hence the Jenner story. This way, family life in the USA can continue its quiet death. A strong family system would be an impediment to ZOG. People might actually oppose them. Dysfunctional families are inherently weak, and hence allow easy manipulation.
There is much more, but I believe I've made my point. Our rulers, thru their controlled media, and it IS controlled, just as surely as it was in Stalin's Soviet Union, intend to control. They employ the tactics of distraction, to confuse and divert attention. Unless, and until, we stop allowing them to do so, they will continue. We must focus. Keep our eye on the ball. Not allow ourselves to be fools. We must not care about nonsense, while far more pressing problems exist. If we overlook the important for silly nonsense, we will continue to be ground down into the dust. Our rulers have nothing but contempt for us. When we concentrate on stories like the Jenner one, to the exclusion of all else, we justify, and earn such contempt.

Monday, May 11, 2015

A world without.

When people think of the problems of Judeo-Capitalism, they think of the terrible economic inequality that goes with it. This is bad enough, but there are greater, hidden costs. Judeo-Capitalism robs us of our very humanity. Non money based, human traits, and virtues, disappear.
First off, expect no compassion in a society devoted to greed. Generosity is all but unknown. The compassionate have a giving heart. Obviously, in a society devoted, and dominated by greed, and selfishness, such a trait will not be found. Look at our govt/society today. Govt is dominated by the rich. People with everything. They do not want to share anything at all. Govt wants to ELIMINATE any and all social programs. The poor at to be left to their own devices to survive. This is Judeo-Capitalism, self. The hell with others. We are controlled by a rich ruling elite. It doesn't give a fig if YOU survive. You are a mere cog in the machinery, and easily replaced. In fact, our govt/society is all too eager to get rid of you, white Aryan. That's why jobs are outsourced overseas. Low wages for workers, means high profits for owners. That's why our govt does nothing about illegal immigration. The more low paid illegals, the higher the profit margin, and the richer the rich get. There is no room in Judeo-Capitalism for poor people, except as virtual slave labor. Workers are to be discarded like garbage, when no longer useful. If you are of no use, you are discarded, and left to die. There is absolutely no room in Judeo-Capitalism for those who can't pull their own weight. You're looked upon as a burden to be discarded, rather then as a human being deserving of help.
Since Judeo-Capitalism is based on constant striving for wealth, humor is a casualty. Notice how our leaders seem basically humorless. That's because they are. Constant striving leaves no room, for anything but the drive to get ahead. Our military, and law enforcement have no sense of humor. They seem more machine then human. Again, that's because they are. Machines with one programmed purpose, to enforce by any and all means ZOG's will. These pseudo-humans are machine like, and programmed. There is no room for humor or anything else human. Look at our leadership. Total seriousness. Nothing is the least bit funny to them. That's because the drive for wealth and power leaves NO room for any other emotion or state of mind. Its succeed at all costs. Obviously, such a state of mind/attitude leaves no room for any levity. Striving to become rich, and stay rich leaves no room for anything but nose to the grindstone. Notice how your boss lives for the job, nothing else. This is Judeo-Capitalism. Live to work, live for work. There is no room for any other life but work. Family is unknown. Its just work, work, work. Such an environment/mindset will not allow happy well adjusted underachievers.
Judeo-Capitalism is totally anti family/companionship. Notice how everyone is choosing career over family these days. Striving for wealth and power, leaves no room for anything. This includes family. One of the most basic human drives, ceases to exist in Judeo-Capitalism. I suppose its best to not have a family, if you aren't going to pay any attention to it. Still, its a basic human drive. A drive impossible to maintain in a society dedicated to selfishness, to the exclusion of all else. Normal human relationships are well nigh impossible in a non human oriented society. Look at our 50% divorce rate. Look at how many people are forgoing having children, or even marriage. Look at how many single people there are in our society. Half the US is single. Even in old age, when the normal human drive is for companionship to face the end of life. Notice how many single people there are now who are elderly. This is not normal human behavior. Man the social animal, is now man the  single, self centered creature. people are facing old age alone. People in our society are alone. Materialism, which is Judeo-Capitalism's child, kills all non self drives/behaviors' Its really very sad, but quite predictable. Self cancels out any human drive for family.
Instead of something for nothing, Judeo-Capitalism, insists on something for something. As mentioned above, generosity is unknown and unwanted in Capitalism. Look at TV commercials as an example. Answer the ad, and they'll give you "something". Usually some piece of crap, but its something. Another, better example, is our own ANP. People don't donate. Donation implies giving freely without expecting anything in return. How many people I know personally, who will buy any and all Nazi stuff/crap, but don't bother to donate. They want something for their money. The ANP, people want to get something out of it. I bet if we offered some free trinket, we'd get many more donations. National Socialism expects people to act unselfishly. To do things without regard to reward, because its the right thing to do. At present, this is very much a minority attitude. Capitalism is selfishness. People only do things for what they get out of it. This is hardly conducive to acts of sacrifice. Think about it. Hard. Is it really a mystery as to why our society is so very unequal. People only act in their own interests. This leaves no room, and no incentive, to help others.
I have said these things before, but it stands repeating. Judeo-Capitalism takes our very "soul", if you will. It saps us of our humanity. Self becomes all. This leaves no room for non self acts of kindness etc. If our leadership comes off as self centered, that's because it is. We need a NEW system, not just new leaders. A new mindset. New set of beliefs. Different beliefs would result in different behavior. Care for race, would trump care for self. Haven't we paid enough for having a Judeo-Capitalist system. It robs us of our very humanity day in, day out. Let us choose to be human once again. Discard Judeo-Capitalism, for natural, human based National Socialism.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

A bleak future

White Aryans in he USA, are living in a fool's paradise. Willfully ignoring the signs of a coming peril. The coming day, when white Aryans will no longer be the racial majority of the USA. A very bleak prospect. Fraught with danger for whites.
By the year 2050, the USA will be a nation with a 54% non white population. I personally think it will happen in the next 10 years. Between  the years 2000 to 2013, 78 counties in 19 states have become non white majority, white minority status. 19 out of 25 of the most populated states. It is now 266 out of 2,440 counties of the USA are minority white. The white population of the US has shrunk from 80% to the current 63%.
What these statistics show, is that the white man is fast becoming a minority in his own land. Whites will in the very near future be outnumbered, by non whites. This doesn't seem to frighten whites. It should. As Rhodesia and South Africa show, white minorities don't fare any too well, when facing non white majorities. The 2 biggest non white groups in the US, blacks and Hispanics, do not like whites. More like hate them. We white Aryans can expect no mercy from a non white majority who hates us out of jealousy over white wealth and power, and for slights real and imagined in the past.
If you doubt these statistics, look them up. The US census bureau keeps population stats.
Frankly, its only common sense that something is fundamentally changing on the racial front in the USA. Just go to your local supermarket, and take a good look around. Notice all the non white faces around. There is a very good reason for this. The US is becoming a non white country. We have blacks, Hispanics, and now Asians moving in. The fastest growing is the Hispanic. Thanks to immigration from Latin America, soon whites will be swimming in a brown Hispanic sea.
White liberals turn a blind eye to the coming danger. They insist in living in la la land. The "lets all love each other and sing Kumbyya" mentality. What nonsense. What total idiocy. Liberals are basically well off financially, and think they can be liberal, but keep non whites at bay. Nothing could be more wrong. If your white, you can NOT escape non white wrath. Once they're firmly in the saddle, non whites will take their revenge, and make life for whites pure hell. Non whites INSIST on blaming whites for ALL their ills. Everything and anything is the white man's fault. You can NOT talk them out of this mind set.
Our rich ruling elite, don't see the world in racial terms, and are oblivious to the coming racial threat. They see things solely in terms of profit. They look at the non white, especially Hispanic, invasion as a source of profit, because it allows them to pay cheap wages. Slave wages. They use the Hispanics as scab labor. Get rid of white workers, and use cheap illegal Hispanic labor instead. This is madness, but the greedy are usually blind to all things but their greed.
The one and only "defense" we have at our disposal is the ANP. It is the ONLY party that cares about the white Aryan race in the USA. The only one. The 2 major parties are Judeo-Capitalist to the core, and are merely 2 factions of the rich elite fighting for wealth and power in the USA, and the world. Our so called leaders could care less about their people. They care only for their own selves. The ANP is determined to fight for white rights. Keep non whites from bulldozing whites into the ground. The ANP, with enough support, can act as a shield, and bulwark, against the non white tide. For example, the ANP opposes outsourcing jobs overseas, as it affects whites in that there are few decent pay jobs available in the country. Our rich elite is perfectly willing to sacrifice its own people on the altar of profit. The ANP is determined to help its people. Restrict immigration, have a true NATIONAL health system, support people getting an education, especially college level. It wants to take care of the white race, not sit idly by and watch it destroyed by non white hoards.
We white Aryans must support the ANP with money, and volunteer our time to distribute lit to wake up our brain dead fellow whites, before it is too late. The ANP can't solve all our racial problems, but it can at least help and shelter the white race in an increasingly hostile environment.
The coming non white tide, is no joke. Whites stand to lose everything as non whites use the law, and power to strip whites of everything. Look at the current civil rights laws, and how they favor non whites in jobs, especially federal govt ones. We have these laws now, when whites are still the majority. What will things be like with a non white majority. If you still believe in the goodness of non white, then good luck to you. If you feel worried, you'd better support the ANP and have a protector. Believe me, we're going to need one real bad.

Monday, May 4, 2015

False paradise

We white Aryans are fooling ourselves. We have for a long time. The USA is falling into decay. Life for us common folk is on the edge. We have no one who is rich and powerful willing to help us common folk out.
As just one example out of very many, look at Hillary Clinton. Even liberals are lukewarm about her. She and hubby Bill are worth 50 million dollars. She is way too chummy with Wall street. She is being heralded as a shoo in for election. Why? What are her accomplishments? I sure don't see any. She is using her husband to advance. Not on her own merits. She is VERY interventionist.  She voted to support the war in Iraq. I think her a liar. She is spoiled, as she comes from an old money family. She is all too typical of the American political scene. Rich people pretending they care, when the moment of election, the common people are ignored, and the rich ruling elite gets their way.
Lack of caring is the key. The rich and powerful could care less about those who are not rich. The rich of this country look down on the non rich as a human would look down  on an amoeba. There is that much of a gap between the classes. Our American society use to be full of opportunity. Now we're like some medieval society with a rich elite nobility, and dirt poor lower classes. The elite don't care about the commoners. There is no way to join the rich anymore, as economic opportunity is slowly being strangled in America. The US has a 17 TRILLION dollar debt. What is being done about it. Not a damn thing. The rich are just that, rich. They don't care for what the common folks want. They don't feel a need to care. Why should they, when they're constantly re-elected. This is the political equivalent of licking the boot that kicks you. Until we white Aryans make up our minds to resist the current ZOG tyranny, we are dooming ourselves and our future generations to the most debase servitude. Unless we make up our minds to stand up and say no, the rich ruling elite will go on business as usual. Our rulers will continue to make war, to the detriment of our nation. Constant war. After all, THEY don't have to go and fight. That's what the non rich, especially the poor, are for.Non of our political candidates are common folk. They're all rich. They haven't the slightest sympathy with the common folk. Hence nothing is done about anything. Look at illegal immigration. It continues unabated. Our leaders don't care. They see illegals as a cheap (slave) source of labor. The better to make profits out of. Ours is suppose to be a society of the people. Now its rule by the rich. The cold, unfeeling rich. people who do nothing for themselves, but are instead surrounded by servants to do their bidding. They haven't a clue on what its like to do a real days work. Especially hard physical labor. They have it easy, so why should they care. So they don't. Look at how our rich ruling elite outsources jobs, without a care in the world. Its not their jobs that are lost. Its not their houses foreclosed on, because the occupants lost their jobs. The rich only care about profit, and they don't care who gets hurt in the process.
Our society is falling apart. The media try to cover up. Look at the crime situation. The US has 5% of the world's population. Yet, we have 25% of the world's prison population. A staggering 3 million people behind bars. That's the size of an army. These are criminals we taxpayers are paying to take care of. On average, it costs $30,000 per head to care for a prisoner. This comes to a massive sum. What are our leaders doing about it? Not a damn thing. The rich and powerful hide behind tall mansion walls, with guarded grounds. They feel secure. Us non rich are left to take our chances on the streets. Our rulers don't give a rat's ass if we common folk live or die. Our justice system is a mess. Like half horse, half cow. On one hand there are those for kick ass justice. On the other, there are those who want kiss ass justice. Cops as social workers. Where is the leadership. Sitting with their heads up their asses. Make a damn decision. We can't afford to have cops playing guessing games. They need to know what to do. Our leaders sit back and let problems take care of themselves. What the hell are they in office for then. Do your job. Public office should not be, and must not be some ego prize. Its supposed to be public service.
I am so very tired of this whole crap system. The rich rule, while the non rich suffer. We have candidates who haven't anything in common whatsoever, with those they govern. We need a system based on the people, and that rules thru the people. A system that values its people. National Socialism values race. People. People have a value. This is what we need. We need to get rid of ZOG, and its Judeo-Capitalist system that only values wealth and power. We need a system that has our back. Looks out for our skins. Doesn't make us war, or leave us to rot in poverty. Unless WE decide to change our system, we are dooming ourselves to endless misery.