Thursday, May 14, 2015

What is really important?

I  am truly amazed by this society. What it considers important and newsworthy. Lately, the big news story in the media has been Bruce Jenner's sex change operation. My God. As if this, is the only newsworthy thing happening on planet earth. Personally I don't give a damn about it. What I do care about deeply, is that it is able to dominate the media. There is a real disconnect between the ZOG controlled media, and the general populace. The media choose to make this story a major news event, and the masses go along, even though far greater stories are out there. To recap very briefly. Bruce Jenner is a runner, who is having a sex change operation. By age 66 he will become a female. The media is eating it up. My question is WHY? We have so many other, REAL issues to deal with. Maybe its offering people "candy" to distract them.
Let us review the state of planet earth at the moment.
First off, there are wars going on. The US is still battling Islam, worldwide. Seems the American people have forgotten this fact. The battlefield s are far away. The old saying, "out of sight, out of mind". Thing is, there need be NO wars, if our ZOG govt didn't exist, and the Jewish lobby not able to manipulate the American people as it does. Not supporting Israel, will get us peace with Islam. To keep our people from thinking about this too much, our rulers keep our attention elsewhere, hence the Jenner story being played up real big. This is madness. Following some guy getting a sex change, as more important then your nation in worldwide warfare. This country has definitely lost sight of what is truly important.
Next, is the economy. Thru time immemorial, the old ruling class trick is to divert people's attention elsewhere, so the rich can get richer, and the common folk sustain a miserable subsistence existence. Sure works here in this country. What Bruce Jenner is doing is a national media news event, while the economy stagnates. The rich ruling elite, gets richer and richer. The common folk are just getting by. Wages are stagnant. Employers don't want to pay. Decent pay jobs CONTINUE to be outsourced overseas. Leaving low pay, no benefit jobs here at home. Don't be FOOLED. The job creation here at home is crap. The jobs created, don't allow a person to support a family. What jobs there are here at home, are now being competed for between white Aryans, and the FLOOD of illegal immigrants coming into this country. Since they work very cheap, our rich rulers are only too glad to have illegal Hispanics come in. They believe in profit, not race/people.
Look at the mediocrity of the people running for office these days. Quality people are all but unknown to our political system. Either they are rich, or toadies of the rich. Quality people might have minds, and especially wills of their own. Best keep people focused on some guy's sex change operation, the better to foist upon an unperceiving nation, political shenanigans of the most base order. Politics in this country amounts to wholesale betrayal of the populace by the rich ruling elite that lords it over them. Our politicians are just flunkies to the rich. Congress is just a millionaires club. look at the great liberal champions. Clinton is worth 50 million dollars. Obama is worth 3 million. For all their talk, can any of us common folk really, realistically expect them to champion our issues. The ZOG media know this, hence they give us news pabulum to digest, while the rich's flunkies proceed to rape the nation of its wealth, and keep us locked in a state of perpetual war. This is political magic, keep everyone's attention misdirected, from what is truly important.
Family life is breaking down in America. Our divorce rate is 50%. People are foreswearing having children. Now we are starting to have same sex marriage. Children were once considered a blessing. Now they're considered just a byproduct of sex. Rather then have people discuss these trends, our rulers prefer we follow something else. Something that will distract, and keep the public eye from looking too closely. Hence the Jenner story. This way, family life in the USA can continue its quiet death. A strong family system would be an impediment to ZOG. People might actually oppose them. Dysfunctional families are inherently weak, and hence allow easy manipulation.
There is much more, but I believe I've made my point. Our rulers, thru their controlled media, and it IS controlled, just as surely as it was in Stalin's Soviet Union, intend to control. They employ the tactics of distraction, to confuse and divert attention. Unless, and until, we stop allowing them to do so, they will continue. We must focus. Keep our eye on the ball. Not allow ourselves to be fools. We must not care about nonsense, while far more pressing problems exist. If we overlook the important for silly nonsense, we will continue to be ground down into the dust. Our rulers have nothing but contempt for us. When we concentrate on stories like the Jenner one, to the exclusion of all else, we justify, and earn such contempt.

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