Monday, June 29, 2015

Between a rock and a hard place.

American workers are in a vise. Being squeezed to death.
Our rich ruling elite, are outsourcing our jobs like crazy. Everything comes from China these days. We make hardly anything ourselves anymore. With jobs overseas, that means none are here. At least none that pay a decent wage. Everything now, is minimum wage, and no benefits. How is this good for the American worker? It isn't. American workers are getting shafted. Pure and simple.
Here at home what jobs there are, besides being minimum wage/no benefits, illegal immigrants are taking them. Seems the rich ruling elite would much prefer to hire people who aren't even citizens, because they work cheap. Any problems, and they get deported. In the meantime Aryan workers are going without. left to try and scrounge a job, even if it doesn't allow the support of a family.
Unfortunately, the workplace horseshit doesn't stop there.
These days, employers prefer to hire younger over older workers. Older workers have experience, but younger workers cost less. Hence older workers are ignored. If your over forty, you'll have a devil of a time trying to gain meaningful employment. Over fifty, forget it. Workers 50 and over are just plain out of luck. They're not wanted. Age discrimination is against the law, but our laws are designed to serve the purposes of the rich, not help the plight of the worker. All that experience of older workers, is cast adrift. Sacrificed on the altar of profits. Experience should count for something, but in our Judeo-Capitalist cesspool we call a society, only money counts. Profit is everything. Nothing else matters in the least. All our older workers get the shaft. Is this right, that people who have worked hard all their lives, get outsourced, or replaced by technology, and end up getting the royal screw job.
Race is even worse for the work place. Blacks get away with murder. They HAVE to be hired, or an employer faces discrimination charges. You cannot get rid of them, lest you be accused of racism. So a black worker can show up with alcohol on the breath at 8 in the morning, I speak from experience, starting the day drunk, and there is NOTHING the employer can do to get rid of an obviously unacceptable worker. How in the hell is this racism? Is it right, or just, to let a drunk employee work? Think of the company image to customers. Far more, think of the safety issues on dangerous jobs. Yet our govt refuses to let non whites be fired, even for blatant cause. This is not right. It is absolutely not just. Yet our system enables bad workers to continue to hold jobs and collect paychecks they have no business collecting.

The most blatant racial influence, is the hiring of black women as bosses. I have seen very few worthy of hire. Yet black women are hired to head depts., because now it is considered racist to have a white male head up anything. Black know nothing, lazy women get dept. head jobs solely because they are black. Whatever happened to qualifications. They were done away with in the name of so called racial fairness. Is this really fair. Hiring someone because of their race and sex, over far more qualified applicants. Yet, this is what our system has come to. There is NO racial justice for a white male in America anymore. Its all liberal nonsense. Hire someone totally unfit, who'll play on her computer all day long, not doing her job at all, while a perfectly qualified candidate is ignored, all to correct racial injustices of centuries ago. This to me anyway is total madness.

Is it any wonder America is like a third world nation these days. Nothing works right. Look at who is in charge, and especially why. As the saying goes "garbage in, garbage out". Hire garbage leaders/bosses, and you get management mess. Bad management, ends up destroying companies, just as surely if you dropped a bomb on them.
Its long past time racial justice returned to America. No more nonsense. Whites have rights to. At least we should have. Donate to the ANP. It is fighting for racial justice for the group in America that has none. The white Aryan. We've been muscled aside. Made fools and slaves of. The 1% sacrifice us on the altar of profit. Leaving us with little in the way of decent jobs. Non whites walk rough shod over American companies, as our own govt, supports them, and gives white Aryans the back of the hand. ANP wants to bring a National Socialist govt to power. A system devoted to preservation and advancement of the race. A system promoting race is NOT wrong. Its taking care of one's own, and that is never wrong. Help ANP. Not just with money, but giving out lit. Just a little help, can mean much in the scheme of things. We white Aryans are just doormats for non whites, and idiot white liberals. Time we defended ourselves, and helped ourselves. Help ANP, so it can help us. Unless we act, soon we'll lose everything. Look at your neighborhood. Your home. Your grocery. Many non white faces. Fewer and fewer white faces. So it goes. Do something NOW, while there is yet still time.

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