Monday, July 13, 2015

Changed morals

Why is Nazism not as far along as we would like. I think it is because of the changed moral climate in the US. Nazism stands for the "old" morality. It demands people live morally straight lives. Respect for the institutions of marriage, and family. Respect for elders. Honoring commitments. Avoiding vices like gambling/drugs/pornography etc. These morals are now considered corny, but Nazism believes in them, because without morals, a society is little better then a collection of animals.
Look at the current crop of presidential candidates for 2016. 16 on the GOP side, about 4 on the Democratic side. None of whom impress me one damn bit. My test for a leaders is morality. Hell, we probably wouldn't have a United States, if George Washington was any less moral. The fact he was a very moral man made people follow him, even when he suffered many military defeats. Belief can make up for a lot of deficiencies.
Look at our society these days.
We now have legalized gambling. Once what was thought a vice, is now encouraged by TV ads. States have decided that gambling brings in the bucks, so now its legal virtually everywhere in the US. Quite a change in attitude from the old days. Is it really the right way though? What your doing is encouraging people to believe in fairy stories of great riches appearing. The odds of winning the lottery are 15 million to one. What about compulsive gambling. It is a real problem, but basically ignored.
Pornography use to be a no no, but now it is everywhere. Not just the sex magazines, but the TV/movies as well. TV and movies these days are little more then soft core porn. Is it really necessary to be sexually explicit? I certainly don't think so. Stories can be told, without nudity/sex scenes. It is totally unnecessary, and never use to be tolerated.
Drug abuse is illegal, but the war on drugs seems hopeless. Why do our people feel they need to get "high" on drugs? Drug smugglers are making fortunes. We now have narco nations that seem to exist just to supply the US drug habit. A very big habit. Worth billions of dollars. Drug smugglers now have their own air and submarine fleets, to smuggle in drugs. The profit is so great.
Women's role in society was once centered around the family. Being homemakers. Now, feminism, (from a pair of Jewess book) says no to family. Women should find themselves. Not bother about having a family. Being a homemaker is demeaning according to the feminist argument. Women staying home are inferior, and nothings.
Now traditional marriage is under fire. Now we have same sex relationships. The Christian bible doesn't really mention lesbianism, but it does say no to men having sex with each other. We're told its natural. The American Psychiatric Association once classified homosexual relationships as mental illness. Then all of a sudden, during the sixties, it was said to be OK. Now this society has taken this concept to its logical conclusion, and we have the US Supreme Court, no less, saying same sex marriage is OK, and legal. What is next, polygamy? Islam permits a man to have 4 wives. Isn't refusing this, discrimination religiously? The Mormons once had polygamy, but were forced to renounce it. Isn't that religious discrimination? See what a slippery slope we are on.
If you don't care about morality, or like the new version, then I guess Nazism isn't for you. If on the other hand all the above bothers you, then you need to support the ANP. We are NOT the "evil" Nazis. We stand for morality. Proudly. We believe a society must have rules. You can NOT let everyone do as they want. Look at our society today. A moral cesspool. Morals are no longer taught in schools. Any wonder our kids are on booze and drugs. That they disrespect elders. That they don't care. Nazism is our only hope of salvation. It wants to bring back the moral code we once lived under. Morals belong in school. They belong in the home. They belong in the nation. Is it any wonder our society has great wealth inequality, when immorality is ignored as no big deal. Help ANP set this country morally straight. Like it or not some things are just plain wrong. Donate to ANP. Give out lit. ANP isn't a church, but it is, and wants to be, a force for moral living in a nation/society that has lost its way. We'll continue to live in a moral garbage dump, if we continue to support the current system. We must return to good old fashioned morality, and a morally straight society. Nazism is the key. It is our hope of salvation. The choice is stark. Capitalist immorality/amorality, or a moral Nazi govt. Isn't it time we got out of the moral sewer, and became moral once again. Being right of deed isn't corny. Its the only way a society can go if it is to be a place for humans, not depraved animal people.

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